LR 4.07 Journey to the Cross-roads

4.07.000 {h} Journey to the Cross-roads
4.07.001 {p} Frodo and Sam weary.
4.07.002 {p} When they had shadow.’
4.07.003 {p} The hobbits’ packs thongs.
4.07.004 {p} ‘I have no go!’
4.07.005 {p} The hobbits bowed good.’
4.07.006 {ps} Now they made Faramir.
4.07.007 {p} ‘Your guide must wish.’
4.07.008 {p} Gollum squealed, and uncovered.
4.07.009 {p} They stood under sky.
4.07.010 {p} ‘Here is the may!’
4.07.011 {p} He embraced the said.
4.07.012 {p} They bowed to passed.
4.07.013 {ps} Frodo sighed and again!’
4.07.014 {p} ‘Have they gone go!’
4.07.015 {p} ‘Yes, let us silent!’
4.07.016 {p} ‘Nice Master!’ said Sméagol!’
4.07.017 {p} Frodo and Sam Ithilien.
4.07.018 {p} Twice that day nothing.
4.07.019 {p} The sun rose dumb.
4.07.020 {p} Darkness came early companions.
4.07.021 {p} ‘Must get up, haste!’
4.07.022 {ps} That day passed speed.
4.07.023 {p} As the third another.
4.07.024 {p} Light was fading dark.
4.07.025 {p} He turned to said.
4.07.026 {p} ‘Yes, Master. Dangerous Tower.’
4.07.027 {p} Frodo looked down Wraiths.
4.07.028 {p} ‘What shall we hidden?’
4.07.029 {p} ‘No good hiding day.’
4.07.030 {p} ‘Oh come!’ said way.’
4.07.031 {p} Gollum reluctantly agreed eyes.
4.07.032 {ps} It must have night.
4.07.033 {p} ‘Are we rested? go!’
4.07.034 {p} ‘We aren’t, and must.’
4.07.035 {p} Gollum dropped at slowly.
4.07.036 {p} As soon as glare.
4.07.037 {p} At last Gollum haste!’
4.07.038 {p} He quickened his mould.
4.07.039 {p} On the further day.
4.07.040 {p} But no day westward.
4.07.041 {p} ‘Which way do mass?’
4.07.042 {p} ‘Need we think is?’
4.07.043 {p} ‘Perhaps not, perhaps Master.’
4.07.044 {ps} The red glare disappeared.
4.07.045 {p} ‘Off hunting, I hedge.
4.07.046 {p} ‘A job of up.
4.07.047 {p} ‘Silly!’ he said evening?
4.07.048 {p} ‘Haven’t you had late!’
4.07.049 {p} ‘No it isn’t,’ hours.’
4.07.050 {p} ‘I wonder what’s it?’
4.07.051 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ ears.’
4.07.052 {p} Sam looked round. yet?’
4.07.053 {p} ‘No,’ said Frodo. him.’
4.07.054 {p} ‘Well, I can’t doubt.’
4.07.055 {p} ‘You forget the him.’
4.07.056 {p} ‘And I hope trouble.’
4.07.057 {p} At that moment end.’
4.07.058 {p} ‘Maybe,’ said Sam; sleep.’
4.07.059 {ps} The afternoon, as eyes.
4.07.060 {p} ‘Wake up, wake lose!’
4.07.061 {p} Sam stared at tea-time.’
4.07.062 {p} ‘Silly!’ hissed Gollum. away.
4.07.063 {p} ‘They mustn’t be darkness.
4.07.064 {p} Very stealthily Gollum vanished.
4.07.065 {ps} For about an roots.
4.07.066 {p} ‘The Cross-roads, yes,’ trees.
4.07.067 {p} ‘This is the silent!’
4.07.068 {p} As furtively as take.
4.07.069 {p} Standing there for used.
4.07.070 {p} Suddenly, caught by again!’
4.07.071 {p} The eyes were gleamed.
4.07.072 {p} ‘They cannot conquer fell.