LR 4.09 Shelob’s Lair

4.09.000 {h} Shelob’s Lair
4.09.001 {p} It may indeed air.
4.09.002 {p} ‘Ugh! That smell!’ stronger.’
4.09.003 {p} Presently they were within.
4.09.004 {p} ‘Is this the Frodo.
4.09.005 {p} ‘Yes, yes,’ he now.’
4.09.006 {p} ‘D’you mean to smells.’
4.09.007 {p} Gollum’s eyes glinted. way.’
4.09.008 {p} ‘And what makes it.’
4.09.009 {p} ‘Well,’ said Frodo, it.’
4.09.010 {ps} Drawing a deep all.
4.09.011 {p} But for a darkness.
4.09.012 {p} Gollum had gone beyond.
4.09.013 {p} Before they had by.
4.09.014 {p} ‘There’s more than be!’
4.09.015 {p} After that, first on.
4.09.016 {p} At length Frodo, forwards.
4.09.017 {p} Fighting off both Quick!’
4.09.018 {p} Calling up his hand.
4.09.019 {p} But almost at fatal.
4.09.020 {p} ‘Which way has wait?’
4.09.021 {p} ‘Sméagol!’ said Frodo, air.
4.09.022 {p} ‘He’s really gone it.’
4.09.023 {p} Presently, groping and other.’
4.09.024 {p} ‘And quick!’ Sam us.’
4.09.025 {p} They had not what.
4.09.026 {p} ‘It’s a trap!’ this.
4.09.027 {p} The bubbling hiss star-glass!’
4.09.028 {p} ‘The star-glass?’ muttered us.’
4.09.029 {ps} Slowly his hand fire.
4.09.030 {p} Frodo gazed in pit.
4.09.031 {p} But other potencies escape.
4.09.032 {ps} Frodo and Sam, him.
4.09.033 {p} ‘Stand! stand!’ he use.’
4.09.034 {p} Slowly the eyes nearer.
4.09.035 {p} ‘Galadriel!’ he called, eyes.
4.09.036 {p} They wavered. Doubt gone.
4.09.037 {ps} ‘Master, master!’ cried hole!’
4.09.038 {p} And so back back.
4.09.039 {p} Holding aloft the rope.
4.09.040 {p} Sam laughed grimly. ’em!’
4.09.041 {p} In a fury mouth.
4.09.042 {p} ‘It will take back?’
4.09.043 {p} ‘No, not to again.’
4.09.044 {p} ‘Trapped in the quick!’
4.09.045 {p} ‘That would not watch!’
4.09.046 {ps} Then Frodo stepped made.
4.09.047 {p} Stroke after stroke broken.
4.09.048 {p} ‘Come!’ cried Frodo. came.
4.09.049 {p} It seemed light through!
4.09.050 {p} ‘The pass, Sam!’ us!’
4.09.051 {p} Sam came up lair.
4.09.052 {ps} There agelong she world.
4.09.053 {p} Already, years before, her.
4.09.054 {p} But that desire her.
4.09.055 {p} ‘We’ll see, we’ll back!’
4.09.056 {p} So he thought slept.
4.09.057 {p} And as for made.
4.09.058 {p} So they both hunger.
4.09.059 {ps} But nothing of leaden.
4.09.060 {p} Dread was round red.
4.09.061 {p} ‘Orcs!’ he muttered. world.
4.09.062 {ps} Hardly had Sam claw.
4.09.063 {p} As soon as him.
4.09.064 {p} Sam gasped and stifled.
4.09.065 {p} A long clammy attacker.
4.09.066 {p} ‘Got him!’ hissed neck.
4.09.067 {p} Fury at the throat.
4.09.068 {p} Then Sam played backwards.
4.09.069 {p} Not expecting even elbow.
4.09.070 {p} With a squeal tunnel.
4.09.071 {p} Sword in hand succeeded.