LR 4.10 The Choices of Master Samwise

4.10.000 {h} The Choices of Master Samwise
4.10.001 {p} Frodo was lying away.
4.10.002 {p} On the near mate.
4.10.003 {p} Disturbed as if dark.
4.10.004 {p} Now the miserable strength.
4.10.005 {p} But Shelob was ground.
4.10.006 {p} No such anguish leap.
4.10.007 {p} Sam had fallen rend.
4.10.008 {p} Even as Sam Galadriel.
4.10.009 {p} ‘Galadriel!’ he said Elrond.
4.10.010 {lg} Gilthoniel A Elbereth!
4.10.011 {p} And then his know:
4.10.012 {lg} A Elbereth Gilthoniel Fanuilos!
4.10.013 {p} And with that again.
4.10.014 {p} ‘Now come, you again!’
4.10.015 {p} As if his behind.
4.10.016 {p} Sam came on. ground.
4.10.017 {ps} Shelob was gone; tell.
4.10.018 {p} Sam was left master.
4.10.019 {p} ‘Master, dear master,’ move.
4.10.020 {p} ‘Master, dear master!’ vain.
4.10.021 {p} Then as quickly cold.
4.10.022 {p} ‘Frodo, Mr. Frodo!’ up!’
4.10.023 {ps} Then anger surged green.
4.10.024 {p} And then black more.
4.10.025 {ps} When at last ruin.
4.10.026 {p} ‘What shall I understand.
4.10.027 {p} ‘But what can him?’
4.10.028 {p} Then at last other.
4.10.029 {p} ‘If I’m to on.’
4.10.030 {ps} But he could debate.
4.10.031 {p} Now he tried journey.
4.10.032 {p} He looked on worst.
4.10.033 {p} ‘What? Me, alone, him.’
4.10.034 {p} But the answer fail.’
4.10.035 {p} ‘I wish I forward.’
4.10.036 {p} ‘But you haven’t themselves.’
4.10.037 {p} ‘Ah well, I over.
4.10.038 {p} ‘Let me see is!’
4.10.039 {ps} He stooped. Very Quest.
4.10.040 {p} ‘Good-bye, master, my Good-bye!’
4.10.041 {p} And then he dark.
4.10.042 {ps} He had not last.
4.10.043 {p} ‘I’ve made up done?’
4.10.044 {p} As the sheer ruin.
4.10.045 {p} ‘If only I taken.
4.10.046 {ps} Only a few caught.
4.10.047 {p} Now the flicker on.
4.10.048 {ps} The world changed, him.
4.10.049 {p} He heard the hide.
4.10.050 {p} He listened. The ears.
4.10.051 {ps} ‘Hola! Gorbag! What already?’
4.10.052 {p} ‘Orders, you lubber. fight?’
4.10.053 {p} ‘Orders to you. report?’
4.10.054 {p} ‘Nothing.’
4.10.055 {p} ‘Hai! hai! yoi!’ others.
4.10.056 {p} ‘Hai! Hola! Here’s voices.
4.10.057 {ps} With a dreadful Frodo.
4.10.058 {p} ‘How many are Frodo.’
4.10.059 {ps} But the Orcs mist?
4.10.060 {p} There they were spurt.
4.10.061 {p} ‘Come on, Sam!’ then—
4.10.062 {p} There was a Up!’
4.10.063 {p} Then a voice hoi!’
4.10.064 {ps} They had taken hole.
4.10.065 {p} For a moment darkness.
4.10.066 {ps} It no longer went.
4.10.067 {ps} ‘Can’t you stop us.’
4.10.068 {p} ‘Go on, Gorbag! wants.’
4.10.069 {p} ‘Lugbúrz wants it, that?’
4.10.070 {p} ‘Don’t know till look.’
4.10.071 {p} ‘Oho! So they can.’
4.10.072 {p} ‘Sh, Gorbag!’ Shagrat’s slipped.’
4.10.073 {p} ‘Nearly, you say!’ Gorbag.
4.10.074 {p} ‘All right,’ said on.’
4.10.075 {p} Shortly afterwards Sam blocked.
4.10.076 {p} There seemed to in.
4.10.077 {p} ‘No, I don’t city.’
4.10.078 {p} ‘You should try Shagrat.
4.10.079 {p} ‘I’d like to easier.’
4.10.080 {p} ‘It’s going well, say.’
4.10.081 {p} ‘They would,’ grunted bosses.’
4.10.082 {p} ‘Ah!’ said Shagrat. times.’
4.10.083 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Gorbag. out?’
4.10.084 {p} ‘About an hour once.’
4.10.085 {p} ‘Bad business,’ said told.’
4.10.086 {p} ‘The Eye was say.’
4.10.087 {p} ‘I daresay,’ growled for?’
4.10.088 {p} ‘That’s enough! Don’t on.’
4.10.089 {p} ‘Very funny!’
4.10.090 {p} ‘Yes, very funny: Sneak.’
4.10.091 {p} ‘Her Sneak? What’s that?’
4.10.092 {p} ‘You must have hunt.’
4.10.093 {p} ‘Nothing, say you! about!’
4.10.094 {p} ‘Ah well, but she?’
4.10.095 {p} ‘Got him? Got one.’
4.10.096 {p} At this point stone.
4.10.097 {p} ‘Who cut the Shagrat?’
4.10.098 {p} Shagrat made no reply.
4.10.099 {p} ‘You may well slipped.’
4.10.100 {p} ‘And what is Shagrat.
4.10.101 {p} ‘By all the himself.
4.10.102 {p} ‘Ah well, you else.’
4.10.103 {p} ‘It’s my guess trick.’
4.10.104 {p} ‘We’ll see. Come prisoner!’
4.10.105 {p} ‘What are you it.’
4.10.106 {p} ‘Now, now,’ growled do.’
4.10.107 {p} ‘Stripped, eh?’ said all?’
4.10.108 {p} ‘No, none of whole.’
4.10.109 {p} ‘You’ll find that pot.’
4.10.110 {p} ‘You fool,’ snarled dead!’
4.10.111 {ps} Sam reeled, clutching orc-voices.
4.10.112 {ps} ‘Garn!’ said Shagrat. him.’
4.10.113 {p} ‘And what’s going go!’
4.10.114 {p} ‘There’s going to dead.’
4.10.115 {p} ‘All right! But escape.’
4.10.116 {ps} The voices began somehow!’
4.10.117 {p} He drew his tunnel.
4.10.118 {p} The news that close.
4.10.119 {ps} ‘That’s what I’m chamber.’
4.10.120 {p} ‘What for?’ growled below?’
4.10.121 {p} ‘He’s going out there.’
4.10.122 {p} ‘Will he?’ said distance.
4.10.123 {p} The two orc-figures gate.
4.10.124 {p} Sam heard a threshold.
4.10.125 {p} Sam yelled and him.
4.10.126 {p} The great doors Enemy.