LR 5.01 Minas Tirith

5.01.000 {h} Minas Tirith
5.01.001 {p} Pippin looked out uncertain.
5.01.002 {p} There had been voices.
5.01.003 {p} A light kindled spoke.
5.01.004 {p} ‘Where are we, asked.
5.01.005 {p} ‘In the realm by.’
5.01.006 {p} There was a another!’
5.01.007 {p} For answer Gandalf Rohan.’
5.01.008 {p} But Shadowfax paused wind.
5.01.009 {p} Pippin became drowsy uneasily.
5.01.010 {p} ‘Sleep again, and refuge.’
5.01.011 {p} ‘You do not day.
5.01.012 {ps} Pippin woke to discussed.
5.01.013 {p} ‘Yea truly, we trust.’
5.01.014 {p} ‘I will vouch man.’
5.01.015 {p} ‘Man?’ said Ingold laughed.
5.01.016 {p} ‘Man!’ cried Pippin, you!’
5.01.017 {p} ‘Many a doer hobbit?’
5.01.018 {p} ‘A Halfling,’ answered kindred.’
5.01.019 {p} ‘Yes, and one foes.’
5.01.020 {p} ‘Peace!’ said Gandalf. father.’
5.01.021 {p} ‘It has been or—’
5.01.022 {p} ‘Hobbit,’ said Pippin. brave.’
5.01.023 {p} ‘Fare you well!’ say.’
5.01.024 {p} ‘Because I come swords!’
5.01.025 {p} ‘The work will you?’
5.01.026 {p} ‘Yes, they will not!’
5.01.027 {ps} Gandalf passed now fiefs.
5.01.028 {p} The townlands were eyes.
5.01.029 {p} Now after Gandalf earth.
5.01.030 {p} Even as Pippin trumpets.
5.01.031 {ps} So Gandalf and them.
5.01.032 {p} ‘Mithrandir! Mithrandir!’ men nigh!’
5.01.033 {p} ‘It is upon pass!’
5.01.034 {p} Then men fell road.
5.01.035 {ps} For the fashion plain.
5.01.036 {p} A strong citadel tower.
5.01.037 {ps} Pippin gazed in window.
5.01.038 {p} At last they master.
5.01.039 {p} The Guards of grown.
5.01.040 {ps} Already it seemed water.
5.01.041 {p} Pippin glanced at tended.
5.01.042 {p} Seven stars and tree.
5.01.043 {p} The words that stone.
5.01.044 {p} They walked down must.’
5.01.045 {p} ‘Why not? What anyway.’
5.01.046 {p} ‘Maybe, maybe,’ said us.’
5.01.047 {p} Gandalf halted before enough?’
5.01.048 {p} ‘Kingship?’ said Pippin amazed.
5.01.049 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Gandalf. door.
5.01.050 {ps} The door opened, stone.
5.01.051 {p} Suddenly Pippin was spoke.
5.01.052 {p} ‘Hail, Lord and hour.’
5.01.053 {p} Then the old he?’
5.01.054 {p} ‘It is,’ said spoke.’
5.01.055 {p} ‘Yet a Halfling stead.’
5.01.056 {p} ‘He would have came?’
5.01.057 {p} ‘I have received silver.
5.01.058 {p} ‘That is the Pippin.
5.01.059 {p} ‘Verily,’ said Denethor. Halfling?’
5.01.060 {p} ‘Thirteen, thirteen days,’ orcs.’
5.01.061 {p} ‘So,’ said Denethor, him?’
5.01.062 {p} Pippin flushed and less.’
5.01.063 {p} Then Pippin looked feet.
5.01.064 {p} A pale smile, said.
5.01.065 {p} Pippin lifted it past?’
5.01.066 {p} ‘It came out them.’
5.01.067 {p} ‘I see that now!’
5.01.068 {p} ‘Take the hilt,’ Pippin.
5.01.069 {p} The old man Denethor:
5.01.070 {p} ‘Here do I Halflings.’
5.01.071 {p} ‘And this do sheath.
5.01.072 {p} ‘And now,’ said entered.
5.01.073 {p} ‘Bring wine and hour.’
5.01.074 {p} ‘It is all day.’
5.01.075 {p} ‘And earlier, it Saruman?’
5.01.076 {p} ‘It is much flame.
5.01.077 {p} Denethor looked indeed gaze.
5.01.078 {p} ‘Yea,’ he said; now!’
5.01.079 {ps} Then men came face?
5.01.080 {p} ‘Now tell me indeed.’
5.01.081 {p} Pippin never forgot end.’
5.01.082 {p} ‘Lead the Lord rung.
5.01.083 {p} ‘And you, my comfort!’
5.01.084 {p} ‘Folly?’ said Gandalf. by?’
5.01.085 {p} ‘If you understand again.’
5.01.086 {p} ‘Unless the king side.
5.01.087 {p} Gandalf did not sill.
5.01.088 {p} ‘Are you angry could.’
5.01.089 {p} ‘You did indeed!’ forth.
5.01.090 {p} ‘Indeed you did away.
5.01.091 {p} ‘He is not try.
5.01.092 {p} ‘Remember that! For still!’
5.01.093 {p} He fell silent blade!’
5.01.094 {p} Gandalf went to some.’
5.01.095 {ps} With that Gandalf sun.
5.01.096 {p} After a minute duty.
5.01.097 {p} ‘Nine o’clock we’d where?’
5.01.098 {p} Presently he noticed him.
5.01.099 {p} ‘You are Peregrin it.
5.01.100 {p} ‘I am named well?’
5.01.101 {p} ‘Well,’ said Pippin. him.’
5.01.102 {p} ‘Aragorn?’ said Beregond. he?’
5.01.103 {p} ‘Oh,’ stammered Pippin, now.’
5.01.104 {p} ‘You have been Peregrin?’
5.01.105 {p} ‘Er well,’ said men.’
5.01.106 {p} Beregond looked at today?’
5.01.107 {p} ‘Well, yes, to work.’
5.01.108 {p} Beregond laughed. ‘At sunset.
5.01.109 {p} ‘Come! We will morning.’
5.01.110 {p} ‘One moment!’ said possible.’
5.01.111 {p} ‘Hobbit?’ said Beregond.
5.01.112 {p} ‘That is what Pippin.
5.01.113 {p} ‘I am glad butteries.’
5.01.114 {ps} Pippin found that away.
5.01.115 {p} Shadowfax whinnied as labours.’
5.01.116 {p} Shadowfax tossed his flanks.
5.01.117 {p} ‘He looks as fair.’
5.01.118 {p} ‘None is rich coming.’
5.01.119 {p} Shadowfax lifted up filled.
5.01.120 {p} ‘And now for open.
5.01.121 {p} ‘This is the have!’
5.01.122 {p} They got there world.
5.01.123 {p} They ate and below.
5.01.124 {p} ‘I will not foolishness.’
5.01.125 {p} ‘I do,’ said see.’
5.01.126 {ps} The sun was away.
5.01.127 {p} Pippin could see men.
5.01.128 {p} ‘That is the them.’
5.01.129 {p} They fell silent it?’
5.01.130 {p} ‘It was a Morgul.’
5.01.131 {p} ‘The Black Riders?’ re-awakened.
5.01.132 {p} ‘Yes, they were tales.’
5.01.133 {p} ‘I know of sun.
5.01.134 {p} ‘So near to comes.’
5.01.135 {p} ‘When?’ said Pippin. again.’
5.01.136 {p} ‘Only because everything plunge.’
5.01.137 {p} ‘But why were ago?’
5.01.138 {p} ‘It is over-late tidings.
5.01.139 {p} ‘But if you bring.
5.01.140 {p} ‘And yet’ – Shadow.
5.01.141 {p} ‘Yet, Master Peregrin, stand?’
5.01.142 {p} Pippin did not wall.
5.01.143 {p} ‘What was that?’ something?’
5.01.144 {p} ‘Yes,’ muttered Pippin. air.’
5.01.145 {p} ‘Yes, the shadow away.’
5.01.146 {ps} For a time knees.’
5.01.147 {p} ‘Rightly said!’ cried green.’
5.01.148 {p} ‘All the same, Gandalf.’
5.01.149 {p} ‘Ah, there you sword.
5.01.150 {p} Pippin looked at chessboard.’
5.01.151 {ps} So they talked meal.
5.01.152 {p} ‘Will you come time.’
5.01.153 {p} ‘I shall be me?’
5.01.154 {p} ‘Nay, nay,’ Beregond land.’
5.01.155 {p} ‘Then it is guest.’
5.01.156 {ps} Gandalf was not doughty.
5.01.157 {p} Though Pippin had friends.
5.01.158 {ps} At length Beregond closing.’
5.01.159 {p} He went out, ways.
5.01.160 {p} People stared much City.
5.01.161 {p} He came at down.
5.01.162 {p} ‘Greetings!’ said the City.’
5.01.163 {p} ‘I was,’ said Gondor.’
5.01.164 {p} ‘Oh come!’ said father?’
5.01.165 {p} ‘Which question shall sideways.’
5.01.166 {p} ‘Twenty-nine!’ said the back.’
5.01.167 {p} ‘Maybe you could, eye.
5.01.168 {p} ‘No!’ Pippin laughed. is.’
5.01.169 {p} The boy drew said.
5.01.170 {p} ‘So I thought,’ you.’
5.01.171 {p} ‘Then why did gone.’
5.01.172 {p} ‘His message is return.’
5.01.173 {p} Bergil clapped his now.’
5.01.174 {p} ‘What is happening there?’
5.01.175 {p} ‘The Captains of see.’
5.01.176 {ps} Bergil proved a him.
5.01.177 {p} ‘That is good!’ better.’
5.01.178 {p} Beyond the Gate coming!’
5.01.179 {p} Pippin and Bergil shouting.
5.01.180 {p} ‘Forlong! Forlong!’ Pippin asked.
5.01.181 {p} ‘Forlong has come,’ Forlong!’
5.01.182 {p} Leading the line Gondor.
5.01.183 {p} ‘Forlong!’ men shouted. gain.’
5.01.184 {ps} And so the came.
5.01.185 {p} And that was City.
5.01.186 {p} Pippin looked up, side.
5.01.187 {p} ‘So it will, Gate.’
5.01.188 {ps} Hand in hand song.
5.01.189 {p} ‘Farewell for this return!’
5.01.190 {p} They parted and again.
5.01.191 {p} ‘Can you find peace!’
5.01.192 {p} The lodging was sleep.
5.01.193 {p} In the night return?’
5.01.194 {p} ‘Hullo!’ said Pippin, day.’
5.01.195 {p} ‘But the night dawn.’