LR 5.02 The Passing of the Grey Company

5.02.000 {h} The Passing of the Grey Company
5.02.001 {p} Gandalf was gone, by.
5.02.002 {p} ‘So four of night.’
5.02.003 {p} ‘And then whither?’ Legolas.
5.02.004 {p} ‘I cannot say me
5.02.005 {p} ‘I for one!’ Dwarf.
5.02.006 {p} ‘Well, for myself,’ approaches.’
5.02.007 {p} ‘Don’t leave me Shire.’
5.02.008 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Aragorn, Spring.’
5.02.009 {ps} Soon all were line.
5.02.010 {p} ‘My lord,’ he hard.’
5.02.011 {p} Théoden at once belt.
5.02.012 {p} The sinking moon least.
5.02.013 {p} When they were Rohan?’
5.02.014 {p} The pursuers brought out.
5.02.015 {p} ‘Rohan? Rohan did afar.’
5.02.016 {p} ‘You have found haste?’
5.02.017 {p} ‘Halbarad Dúnadan, Ranger Rohan.’
5.02.018 {p} ‘And you have expected!’
5.02.019 {p} Merry breathed a sword.
5.02.020 {p} ‘All is well,’ us.’
5.02.021 {p} ‘I have thirty came.’
5.02.022 {p} ‘But I did leave.’
5.02.023 {p} Théoden was indeed heads.’
5.02.024 {ps} Then the Riders him:
5.02.025 {p} ‘I bring word Dead.’
5.02.026 {p} ‘Always my days road.’
5.02.027 {p} ‘That will soon road!’
5.02.028 {p} And Aragorn said thongs.
5.02.029 {p} ‘It is a Elfstone!’
5.02.030 {p} And Aragorn said: lasted.
5.02.031 {ps} The night was counsel.
5.02.032 {p} Merry slept until may!’
5.02.033 {p} ‘There was a think?’
5.02.034 {p} ‘Nay! There is hear.’
5.02.035 {p} Merry got up asked.
5.02.036 {p} ‘In a high him.’
5.02.037 {p} ‘They are a silent.’
5.02.038 {p} ‘But even as Rivendell.’
5.02.039 {p} ‘Why have they Burg.
5.02.040 {p} ‘They answered a guess.’
5.02.041 {p} ‘Nay, Galadriel,’ said North?’
5.02.042 {p} ‘Yes, you have Legolas?’
5.02.043 {p} Legolas stood before lands.’
5.02.044 {ps} For a while Burg.
5.02.045 {p} The king was me.’
5.02.046 {p} ‘May I?’ said know.’
5.02.047 {p} ‘I doubt it use?’
5.02.048 {p} ‘There are no stature.’
5.02.049 {p} ‘I have a will!’
5.02.050 {p} ‘Gladly will I fortune!’
5.02.051 {p} ‘As a father Merry.
5.02.052 {p} ‘For a little Théoden.
5.02.053 {ps} They talked then eaten.’
5.02.054 {p} ‘We will make nigh.’
5.02.055 {p} The king with Westfold.
5.02.056 {p} A little apart star.
5.02.057 {p} The king mounted weary.
5.02.058 {p} ‘I am troubled there?’
5.02.059 {p} ‘It is now gathered.’
5.02.060 {p} Aragorn was silent Dead.’
5.02.061 {p} ‘The Paths of it.’
5.02.062 {p} ‘Alas! Aragorn my Sun.’
5.02.063 {p} ‘That road I between.’
5.02.064 {p} ‘You will do Farewell!’
5.02.065 {p} ‘Farewell, lord!’ said you.’
5.02.066 {p} ‘Good-bye!’ said Merry. over.
5.02.067 {p} Now Théoden spoke Halbarad.
5.02.068 {p} ‘There go three on.’
5.02.069 {p} ‘A little people, not.’
5.02.070 {p} ‘And now our eat.’
5.02.071 {p} Together they went morning?’
5.02.072 {p} ‘A struggle somewhat friends.’
5.02.073 {p} ‘You have looked encounter.’
5.02.074 {p} ‘You forget to barely.’
5.02.075 {p} He drew a him.’
5.02.076 {p} ‘But he wields swiftly.’
5.02.077 {p} ‘The hasty stroke gone.’
5.02.078 {p} ‘Then lost it time?’
5.02.079 {p} ‘I have no Dead.’
5.02.080 {p} ‘The Paths of Mordor?’
5.02.081 {p} ‘The living have Dead.’
5.02.082 {p} ‘And what may Legolas.
5.02.083 {p} ‘Thus spoke Malbeth Aragorn:
5.02.084 {lg} Over the land Dead.
5.02.085 {p} ‘Dark ways, doubtless,’ me.’
5.02.086 {p} ‘If you would worse.’
5.02.087 {p} ‘I will go Gimli.
5.02.088 {p} ‘I also will Dead.’
5.02.089 {p} ‘I hope that them.’
5.02.090 {p} ‘That we shall Years.
5.02.091 {p} ‘Then Isildur said me.’
5.02.092 {p} He stood up. will!’
5.02.093 {p} Legolas and Gimli amaze.
5.02.094 {ps} And while Théoden fell.
5.02.095 {p} The Lady Éowyn shone.
5.02.096 {p} But at last you.’
5.02.097 {p} But Aragorn said: go.’
5.02.098 {p} She smiled on exile.’
5.02.099 {p} ‘Indeed no man Dunharrow.’
5.02.100 {p} And she answered came.’
5.02.101 {p} ‘Nay, lady,’ said Dead.’
5.02.102 {p} Then she stared pass.’
5.02.103 {p} ‘They may suffer serve.’
5.02.104 {p} ‘But this is brighter.’
5.02.105 {p} ‘It is not be.’
5.02.106 {p} Then they said rest.
5.02.107 {p} But as Aragorn fire.
5.02.108 {p} ‘Aragorn,’ she said, road?’
5.02.109 {p} ‘Because I must,’ Rivendell.’
5.02.110 {p} For a while battle.’
5.02.111 {p} ‘Your duty is answered.
5.02.112 {p} ‘Too often have will?’
5.02.113 {p} ‘Few may do no.’
5.02.114 {p} ‘Shall I always return?’
5.02.115 {p} ‘A time may unpraised.’
5.02.116 {p} And she answered: death.’
5.02.117 {p} ‘What do you asked.
5.02.118 {p} ‘A cage,’ she desire.’
5.02.119 {p} ‘And yet you perilous?’
5.02.120 {p} ‘So may one needlessly.’
5.02.121 {p} ‘Nor would I,’ South.’
5.02.122 {p} ‘Neither have those night.
5.02.123 {ps} When the light again!’
5.02.124 {p} Then it seemed go?’
5.02.125 {p} ‘I will,’ he said.
5.02.126 {p} ‘Then wilt thou asked?’
5.02.127 {p} ‘I will not, Farewell!’
5.02.128 {p} Then she fell thee!’
5.02.129 {p} ‘Nay, lady,’ he bore.
5.02.130 {p} But Éowyn stood gone.
5.02.131 {p} And some said: enough.’
5.02.132 {ps} The light was doom.
5.02.133 {p} ‘My blood runs vapour.
5.02.134 {p} The Company halted, terror.
5.02.135 {p} ‘This is an enter.’
5.02.136 {p} ‘But we must me!’
5.02.137 {p} Then Aragorn led alone.
5.02.138 {p} His knees shook, world.
5.02.139 {ps} Aragorn had brought before.
5.02.140 {p} Nothing assailed the dark.
5.02.141 {p} So time unreckoned be.
5.02.142 {p} ‘Does he feel lie!’
5.02.143 {p} Nonetheless he drew despair.
5.02.144 {p} Aragorn did not know!
5.02.145 {p} ‘For that is Erech!’
5.02.146 {ps} There was no fear.
5.02.147 {p} Suddenly he heard world.
5.02.148 {ps} The Company now road.
5.02.149 {p} ‘The Dead are following.’
5.02.150 {p} ‘Yes, the Dead Elladan.
5.02.151 {p} The Company came falls.
5.02.152 {p} ‘Where in Middle-earth it.’
5.02.153 {p} The Morthond Vale there.
5.02.154 {p} Then without turning land.
5.02.155 {p} Lights went out us!’
5.02.156 {p} Bells were ringing Erech.
5.02.157 {ps} Long had the whispering.
5.02.158 {p} To that Stone voice:
5.02.159 {p} ‘Oathbreakers, why have come?’
5.02.160 {p} And a voice away:
5.02.161 {p} ‘To fulfil our peace.’
5.02.162 {p} Then Aragorn said: Gondor.’
5.02.163 {p} And with that round.
5.02.164 {p} But when the Elves.
5.02.165 {p} They passed Tarlang’s them.