LR 5.03 The Muster of Rohan

5.03.000 {h} The Muster of Rohan
5.03.001 {p} Now all roads hills.
5.03.002 {p} Day was waning. waterfalls.
5.03.003 {p} All day far West.
5.03.004 {p} Merry looked out fire.
5.03.005 {p} He was very about.
5.03.006 {p} All the same shivered.
5.03.007 {ps} ‘Harrowdale at last!’ river.
5.03.008 {p} ‘This journey is Mark.’
5.03.009 {p} ‘But if you won.’
5.03.010 {p} Théoden smiled. ‘Nay, on!’
5.03.011 {ps} In the deepening returns!’
5.03.012 {p} Then one blew river.
5.03.013 {p} And suddenly there stone.
5.03.014 {p} So the King head.
5.03.015 {p} ‘At dawn three Shadow.’
5.03.016 {p} ‘The winged Shadow?’ us.’
5.03.017 {p} ‘Maybe, lord,’ said things.’
5.03.018 {p} ‘It is well,’ be!’
5.03.019 {ps} The road now past.
5.03.020 {p} On all the fro.
5.03.021 {p} Merry wondered how dusk.
5.03.022 {p} After a while Hold.
5.03.023 {p} At last the door.
5.03.024 {p} Such was the road.
5.03.025 {p} Merry stared at road.
5.03.026 {p} As they drew sword.
5.03.027 {p} ‘Hail, Lord of returning.’
5.03.028 {p} ‘And you, Éowyn,’ you?’
5.03.029 {p} ‘All is well,’ coming.’
5.03.030 {p} ‘So Aragorn has here?’
5.03.031 {p} ‘No, he is South.
5.03.032 {p} ‘Whither did he Éomer.
5.03.033 {p} ‘I do not gone.’
5.03.034 {p} ‘You are grieved, Dead?’
5.03.035 {p} ‘Yes, lord,’ said gone.’
5.03.036 {p} ‘Then our paths dwindles.’
5.03.037 {ps} Slowly they passed Dwimorberg.
5.03.038 {p} ‘The Paths of now.’
5.03.039 {p} In the midst board.
5.03.040 {ps} In the inner smiled.
5.03.041 {p} ‘Come, Master Meriadoc!’ tales.’
5.03.042 {p} Room was made him.
5.03.043 {p} ‘Twice now, lord, gone?’
5.03.044 {p} The king sighed, knows.’
5.03.045 {p} ‘No man knows,’ heir.
5.03.046 {p} ‘Folk say that death.’
5.03.047 {p} ‘Yet it is tryst.’
5.03.048 {p} ‘Then why has it?’
5.03.049 {p} ‘Unless he has purpose.’
5.03.050 {p} ‘Greatly changed he call.’
5.03.051 {p} ‘Maybe he was shut.
5.03.052 {p} ‘Then they halted shut.
5.03.053 {p} ‘And when will pass.’
5.03.054 {p} ‘But how shall hand.’
5.03.055 {p} He paused, for guard.
5.03.056 {ps} Presently the captain once.’
5.03.057 {p} ‘Let him come!’ Théoden.
5.03.058 {p} A tall man red.
5.03.059 {p} He sank on last.’
5.03.060 {p} ‘The Red Arrow!’ be?’
5.03.061 {p} ‘That is best without.’
5.03.062 {p} ‘But he knows East.’
5.03.063 {p} ‘What the Lord refuge.’
5.03.064 {p} ‘Dark tidings,’ said Kings.
5.03.065 {p} ‘But we will North.’
5.03.066 {p} ‘A week!’ said Tower.’
5.03.067 {p} ‘At the least thoughts.’
5.03.068 {ps} With that the risen.’
5.03.069 {p} ‘I will be Dead.’
5.03.070 {p} ‘Speak not words night!’
5.03.071 {ps} ‘I won’t be tent.
5.03.072 {p} He was wakened thought.
5.03.073 {p} ‘What is the asked.
5.03.074 {p} ‘The king calls you.’
5.03.075 {p} ‘But the Sun Merry.
5.03.076 {p} ‘No, and will haste!’
5.03.077 {p} Flinging on some growing.
5.03.078 {p} Merry saw many king.
5.03.079 {p} ‘It comes from begun.’
5.03.080 {ps} For a while battle.’
5.03.081 {p} ‘We have very may!’
5.03.082 {p} ‘Then call the marshalled!’
5.03.083 {p} Éomer went out, ominously.
5.03.084 {ps} The king turned stead.’
5.03.085 {p} ‘But, but, lord,’ behind.’
5.03.086 {p} ‘But we ride beasts.’
5.03.087 {p} ‘Then tie me late.’
5.03.088 {p} Théoden smiled. ‘Rather plains.’
5.03.089 {p} Then Éowyn rose end.’
5.03.090 {p} Now she led gear.
5.03.091 {p} ‘No mail have have.’
5.03.092 {p} Merry bowed, and I.’
5.03.093 {ps} So it was silently.
5.03.094 {p} Two swift hours unafraid.
5.03.095 {p} There on the death.
5.03.096 {p} On down the thereafter.
5.03.097 {lg} From dark Dunharrow us.
5.03.098 {p} It was indeed him.
5.03.099 {p} ‘This is no stature?’
5.03.100 {p} ‘As for that, behind!’
5.03.101 {p} ‘I received you more.’
5.03.102 {p} Merry bowed and ear.
5.03.103 {p} ‘Where will wants face.’
5.03.104 {p} ‘I do,’ said Merry.
5.03.105 {p} ‘Then you shall come!’
5.03.106 {p} ‘Thank you indeed!’ name.’
5.03.107 {p} ‘Do you not?’ Dernhelm.’
5.03.108 {ps} Thus it came frame.
5.03.109 {p} On into the Rohan.
5.03.110 {p} ‘Ride on! Ride on!’
5.03.111 {p} And so King heart.