LR 5.04 The Siege of Gondor

5.04.000 {h} The Siege of Gondor
5.04.001 {p} Pippin was roused thunder.
5.04.002 {p} ‘What is the yawning.
5.04.003 {p} ‘Past the second duties.’
5.04.004 {p} ‘And will he breakfast?’
5.04.005 {p} ‘No! I have order.’
5.04.006 {p} Pippin looked ruefully said.
5.04.007 {p} ‘You know quite more.
5.04.008 {ps} Before long he him:
5.04.009 {p} ‘Well, Master Peregrin, wish.’
5.04.010 {p} Pippin had an answer.
5.04.011 {p} ‘What would you service?’
5.04.012 {p} ‘I thought, sir, duties.’
5.04.013 {p} ‘I will, when sing?’
5.04.014 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Pippin. course.’
5.04.015 {p} ‘And why should thankless.’
5.04.016 {p} Pippin’s heart sank. abroad.
5.04.017 {p} Presently Denethor waved clad!’
5.04.018 {p} It was as spirits.
5.04.019 {p} It was dark storm.
5.04.020 {ps} About the eleventh before.
5.04.021 {p} It was the drear.
5.04.022 {p} Already it seemed Guard.
5.04.023 {p} In some other sighed.
5.04.024 {p} ‘You are weary Beregond.
5.04.025 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Pippin, East?’
5.04.026 {p} ‘Nay,’ said Beregond, Darkness?’
5.04.027 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Pippin, news.’
5.04.028 {ps} Suddenly as they despair.
5.04.029 {p} At last Beregond below.’
5.04.030 {p} Reluctantly Pippin climbed away.
5.04.031 {p} ‘Black Riders!’ muttered us!’
5.04.032 {p} Another long screech note.
5.04.033 {p} ‘Faramir! The Lord Faramir!’
5.04.034 {p} With that Beregond calling.
5.04.035 {p} ‘Gandalf!’ he cried. encouragement.
5.04.036 {p} But now the dark.
5.04.037 {p} Pippin watched, and walls.
5.04.038 {p} It was not man.
5.04.039 {p} Pippin pressed forward wings.
5.04.040 {p} ‘Faramir!’ he cried amazed.
5.04.041 {p} ‘Whence come you?’ Whence?’
5.04.042 {p} But with that us!’
5.04.043 {ps} So at length said.
5.04.044 {p} When Faramir had renown.
5.04.045 {p} Then suddenly Faramir Southlands.’
5.04.046 {p} At that Gandalf seen.
5.04.047 {p} As his story up.
5.04.048 {p} ‘Cirith Ungol? Morgul valley?’
5.04.049 {p} ‘I parted with keeping.’
5.04.050 {p} Gandalf paced the parted?’
5.04.051 {p} ‘Some twenty-five leagues father.
5.04.052 {p} ‘Ill?’ cried Denethor, keeping.
5.04.053 {p} ‘My son, your Boromir!’
5.04.054 {p} ‘If what I me.’
5.04.055 {p} ‘Would that have death.’
5.04.056 {p} ‘So be it,’ Faramir.
5.04.057 {p} ‘So be it!’ gone.’
5.04.058 {p} ‘Do you wish exchanged?’
5.04.059 {p} ‘Yes, I wish gift.’
5.04.060 {p} For a moment him.’
5.04.061 {p} ‘Stir not the me!’
5.04.062 {p} ‘Comfort yourself!’ said son.’
5.04.063 {p} The face of deem.’
5.04.064 {p} ‘What then is Gandalf.
5.04.065 {p} ‘Enough to perceive madness.’
5.04.066 {p} ‘And the Lord done?’
5.04.067 {p} ‘Neither. But most dead.’
5.04.068 {p} ‘You think, as slaves.’
5.04.069 {p} ‘And where will yet.’
5.04.070 {p} ‘Nonetheless I do us.’
5.04.071 {p} For a moment shoulders.
5.04.072 {p} ‘If I had! Osgiliath?’
5.04.073 {p} ‘It is not said.’
5.04.074 {p} ‘Not enough, I there.’
5.04.075 {p} ‘There and elsewhere chair.
5.04.076 {p} ‘You are weary, told.’
5.04.077 {p} ‘Let us not Faramir.
5.04.078 {p} ‘Then we will sterner.’
5.04.079 {ps} All now took hand.
5.04.080 {p} ‘Tell me,’ he Frodo.’
5.04.081 {p} Gandalf put his him.’
5.04.082 {p} Gandalf stood for may!’
5.04.083 {p} ‘But,’ said Pippin.
5.04.084 {p} ‘But what?’ said tonight.’
5.04.085 {p} ‘Gollum,’ said Pippin. wrong?’
5.04.086 {p} ‘I cannot answer night!’
5.04.087 {ps} The next day wept.
5.04.088 {p} And now Faramir Rohan?’
5.04.089 {p} In truth Faramir wait.
5.04.090 {p} ‘Yet,’ said Denethor, passage.’
5.04.091 {p} ‘That was but force.’
5.04.092 {p} ‘And what of passage.’
5.04.093 {p} ‘Much must be will.’
5.04.094 {p} Then all were it.’
5.04.095 {p} ‘I do so,’ Denethor.
5.04.096 {p} ‘Then farewell!’ said me!’
5.04.097 {p} ‘That depends on Denethor.
5.04.098 {p} Gandalf it was Farewell!’
5.04.099 {ps} So now the said.
5.04.100 {p} ‘Yes, he will Edoras.’
5.04.101 {ps} It was night River.’
5.04.102 {p} With those ill-boding long.
5.04.103 {ps} The next day, outnumbered.
5.04.104 {p} ‘If he wins bidding.’
5.04.105 {p} ‘Then I am eastward.
5.04.106 {ps} The bells of heard.
5.04.107 {p} ‘They have taken coming!’
5.04.108 {p} ‘Where is Faramir?’ fallen!’
5.04.109 {p} It was Gandalf away.
5.04.110 {p} ‘Is Faramir come?’ asked.
5.04.111 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf. feared.’
5.04.112 {p} ‘Not – the terror.
5.04.113 {p} Denethor laughed bitterly. brand.’
5.04.114 {p} He stood up timid.’
5.04.115 {p} ‘Yet now under despair.’
5.04.116 {p} ‘Then, Mithrandir, you overmatched?’
5.04.117 {p} Pippin trembled, fearing before.
5.04.118 {p} ‘Nay, I came horsemen.’
5.04.119 {p} ‘And we also Denethor.
5.04.120 {p} ‘We are likely north-east.’
5.04.121 {p} ‘Some have accused down.’
5.04.122 {ps} Time passed. At Osgiliath.
5.04.123 {p} ‘The enemy,’ men folk?’
5.04.124 {p} It drew now together.
5.04.125 {p} The watchers held yet.’
5.04.126 {ps} Now the main kill.
5.04.127 {p} The retreat became ground.
5.04.128 {p} And then a head.
5.04.129 {p} ‘Amroth for Gondor!’ Faramir!’
5.04.130 {p} Like thunder they hand.
5.04.131 {p} The Nazgûl screeched on.
5.04.132 {p} But Denethor did he?
5.04.133 {p} Last of all field.
5.04.134 {p} ‘Faramir! Faramir!’ men lay.
5.04.135 {p} The Prince Imrahil son’s.
5.04.136 {ps} So now at morning.
5.04.137 {p} ‘There is no come.’
5.04.138 {ps} The Gate was red.
5.04.139 {p} Busy as ants work.
5.04.140 {p} At first men stood.
5.04.141 {p} ‘Nay,’ they said, come.’
5.04.142 {p} But the engines down.
5.04.143 {p} Soon there was hills.
5.04.144 {p} In vain men despair.
5.04.145 {p} The Nazgûl came death.
5.04.146 {ps} During all this defence.
5.04.147 {p} No hours so wrath.
5.04.148 {p} ‘Do not weep, Gandalf?’
5.04.149 {p} ‘Comfort me not ruinous.
5.04.150 {p} ‘I sent my out.’
5.04.151 {p} Men came to stay.’
5.04.152 {ps} So it was years.
5.04.153 {p} And yet – gate.
5.04.154 {ps} Far behind the dark.
5.04.155 {ps} Messengers came again silently.
5.04.156 {p} ‘The first circle unmanned.’
5.04.157 {p} ‘Why? Why do burn!’
5.04.158 {p} The messengers without fled.
5.04.159 {p} Now Denethor stood him.
5.04.160 {p} ‘Farewell!’ he said. Farewell!’
5.04.161 {p} ‘I will not me.’
5.04.162 {p} ‘Do as you Faramir.
5.04.163 {ps} Pippin left him Pippin.
5.04.164 {p} Out from the Tree.
5.04.165 {p} All was silent, Stewards.
5.04.166 {p} A porter sat burden.
5.04.167 {p} There Pippin, staring voice.
5.04.168 {p} ‘Here we will Farewell!’
5.04.169 {p} ‘By your leave, madmen.’
5.04.170 {p} At the door comes!’
5.04.171 {p} ‘Who is the Wanderer?’
5.04.172 {p} ‘The Grey Wanderer Beregond.
5.04.173 {p} ‘Whither do you cried.
5.04.174 {p} ‘To find Mithrandir,’ answered.
5.04.175 {p} ‘The Lord’s errands him.’
5.04.176 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Pippin, Street.’
5.04.177 {p} Beregond bowed his dead.’
5.04.178 {p} ‘No,’ said Pippin, once.’
5.04.179 {p} ‘Then you must battle.’
5.04.180 {p} ‘I know. The happening.’
5.04.181 {p} ‘The Lord does command.’
5.04.182 {p} ‘Well, you must can.’
5.04.183 {p} He ran on, shadow.
5.04.184 {ps} Ever since the wall.
5.04.185 {p} The drums rolled it.
5.04.186 {p} But about the up.
5.04.187 {p} Grond crawled on. place.
5.04.188 {p} Grond crawled on. still.
5.04.189 {p} The drums rolled stroke.
5.04.190 {p} Then the Black stone.
5.04.191 {p} Thrice he cried. ground.
5.04.192 {ps} In rode the face.
5.04.193 {p} All save one. Dínen.
5.04.194 {p} ‘You cannot enter Go!’
5.04.195 {p} The Black Rider laughter.
5.04.196 {p} ‘Old fool!’ he blade.
5.04.197 {ps} Gandalf did not dawn.
5.04.198 {p} And as if last.