LR 5.05 The Ride of the Rohirrim

5.05.000 {h} The Ride of the Rohirrim
5.05.001 {p} It was dark it.
5.05.002 {p} He could not Anórien.
5.05.003 {p} Tired as he night.
5.05.004 {p} Merry wanted somebody dark.
5.05.005 {p} A tall figure Marshal.
5.05.006 {p} ‘I am not afoot.’
5.05.007 {p} ‘Anything that can move.’
5.05.008 {p} ‘Is the enemy them.’
5.05.009 {p} ‘Nay, nay,’ said shadows.
5.05.010 {p} Merry did not trees.
5.05.011 {ps} Presently he came ago.
5.05.012 {p} There was a it.
5.05.013 {p} ‘No, father of Water.’
5.05.014 {p} ‘But our need us?’
5.05.015 {p} ‘Bring news,’ said Horse-men.’
5.05.016 {p} ‘How do you Éomer.
5.05.017 {p} The old man’s Stone-houses.’
5.05.018 {p} ‘Alas! he speaks onset.’
5.05.019 {p} ‘And yet we fire!’
5.05.020 {p} ‘Let Ghân-buri-Ghân finish!’ woods.’
5.05.021 {p} Éomer and the ever.’
5.05.022 {p} ‘Dead men are him.’
5.05.023 {p} ‘So be it!’ Théoden.
5.05.024 {p} ‘How long will narrow.’
5.05.025 {p} ‘Wild Men go noon.’
5.05.026 {p} ‘Then we must now?’
5.05.027 {p} ‘Who knows?’ said now.’
5.05.028 {p} ‘It is all sky-fields.’
5.05.029 {p} ‘Then we must today.’
5.05.030 {ps} Merry waited to dread.
5.05.031 {p} All went well Mindolluin.
5.05.032 {p} The leading company head.
5.05.033 {p} ‘No good to here.’
5.05.034 {p} The captains came; language.
5.05.035 {p} Presently Ghân turned laughing.
5.05.036 {p} ‘Good tidings!’ cried far.’
5.05.037 {p} ‘Once again I guidance!’
5.05.038 {p} ‘Kill gorgûn! Kill iron!’
5.05.039 {p} ‘To do these show.’
5.05.040 {p} Ghân-buri-Ghân squatted down eyes.
5.05.041 {p} ‘Wind is changing!’ appear.
5.05.042 {p} ‘We need no rumour.’
5.05.043 {p} ‘Then since we signal.’
5.05.044 {p} To this the horses.’
5.05.045 {p} ‘Well?’ said Éomer. it?’
5.05.046 {p} ‘This, lord: they back.’
5.05.047 {p} ‘Alas!’ said Théoden. coming.’
5.05.048 {p} ‘Need brooks no mouth.’
5.05.049 {ps} It was night. come.
5.05.050 {p} The king rode king.
5.05.051 {p} ‘There are great destruction.’
5.05.052 {p} ‘Do you remember wall.’
5.05.053 {p} ‘If you speak him:
5.05.054 {p} ‘Now is the friendship!’
5.05.055 {p} Men clashed spear shield.
5.05.056 {p} ‘Éomer, my son! darkness!’
5.05.057 {ps} The leading company hoofs!’
5.05.058 {ps} It was no eastward.
5.05.059 {p} Merry peered from unchanged.
5.05.060 {p} Now silently the flaw.
5.05.061 {p} After a while hills.
5.05.062 {ps} Then suddenly Merry them.
5.05.063 {p} But at that boom.
5.05.064 {p} At that sound before:
5.05.065 {lg} Arise, arise, Riders Gondor!
5.05.066 {p} With that he mountains.
5.05.067 {lg} Ride now, ride Gondor!
5.05.068 {ps} Suddenly the king City.