LR 5.07 The Pyre of Denethor

5.07.000 {h} The Pyre of Denethor
5.07.001 {p} When the dark Gate.
5.07.002 {p} ‘Gandalf, Gandalf!’ cried halted.
5.07.003 {p} ‘What are you leave?’
5.07.004 {p} ‘He has,’ said something?’
5.07.005 {p} Gandalf looked through time.’
5.07.006 {p} ‘But Faramir!’ cried them.’
5.07.007 {p} ‘Burn him alive?’ quick!’
5.07.008 {p} ‘Denethor has gone Faramir?’
5.07.009 {p} ‘Maybe I can,’ work.’
5.07.010 {p} Then having made Gate.
5.07.011 {p} They met the find.’
5.07.012 {p} ‘You will need absence!’
5.07.013 {ps} They passed on; late.
5.07.014 {p} ‘Darkness is passing,’ City.’
5.07.015 {p} At the gate taken.
5.07.016 {p} ‘Work of the call!’
5.07.017 {p} They passed the ghosts.
5.07.018 {p} Suddenly the silence dome.
5.07.019 {p} ‘Stay! Stay!’ cried madness!’
5.07.020 {p} For there were master.
5.07.021 {p} Even as Gandalf sword.
5.07.022 {p} But Gandalf sprang amazed.
5.07.023 {p} ‘What is this, Dínen?’
5.07.024 {p} ‘Since when has servants?’
5.07.025 {p} ‘You may,’ said Faramir?’
5.07.026 {p} ‘He lies within,’ wind!’
5.07.027 {p} Then Gandalf seeing dream.
5.07.028 {p} Denethor started as me.’
5.07.029 {p} ‘He calls,’ said heart.’
5.07.030 {p} ‘He will not side?’
5.07.031 {p} ‘Authority is not wavered.
5.07.032 {p} ‘Come!’ said Gandalf. do.’
5.07.033 {p} Then suddenly Denethor glittered.
5.07.034 {p} ‘Pride and despair!’ slaves.’
5.07.035 {p} ‘Such counsels will Gandalf.
5.07.036 {p} ‘Hope on then!’ me.
5.07.037 {p} ‘But I say dignity.’
5.07.038 {p} ‘What then would way?’
5.07.039 {p} ‘I would have abated.’
5.07.040 {p} ‘To me it doubt.’
5.07.041 {p} At those words Faramir.
5.07.042 {p} ‘So!’ cried Denethor. end.’
5.07.043 {p} ‘Come hither!’ he flame.
5.07.044 {p} Then Denethor leaped flame.
5.07.045 {p} Gandalf in grief men.
5.07.046 {ps} ‘So passes Denethor, burned.
5.07.047 {p} ‘Bear away from doom.’
5.07.048 {p} Then Gandalf and Gandalf.
5.07.049 {ps} At length they said.
5.07.050 {p} ‘The Prince of again.’
5.07.051 {p} Now at last healers.
5.07.052 {p} But even as clouds.
5.07.053 {ps} But Gandalf’s face out.
5.07.054 {p} They looked at City.
5.07.055 {p} ‘Though the Stewards mind.’
5.07.056 {p} ‘Now I understand broken.’
5.07.057 {p} ‘It was in Enemy.’
5.07.058 {p} ‘Alas! then I only.
5.07.059 {p} ‘Now I must soon.’
5.07.060 {p} With that he them.