LR 5.09 The Last Debate

5.09.000 {h} The Last Debate
5.09.001 {p} The morning came Pippin.
5.09.002 {p} ‘It is good wasted.’
5.09.003 {p} Together the Elf him.
5.09.004 {p} ‘There is some of.’
5.09.005 {p} ‘They need more die.’
5.09.006 {ps} At length they water.’
5.09.007 {p} ‘So it is seek?’
5.09.008 {p} ‘I am one told.’
5.09.009 {p} ‘You will find Imrahil.
5.09.010 {p} ‘It will be there.’
5.09.011 {p} ‘We will come,’ words.
5.09.012 {p} ‘That is a rising.’
5.09.013 {p} ‘And doubtless the promise.’
5.09.014 {p} ‘Yet seldom do Gimli.’
5.09.015 {p} ‘And yet come Dwarf.
5.09.016 {p} ‘To that the Legolas.
5.09.017 {ps} With that the Ithilien.
5.09.018 {p} And now Legolas River.
5.09.019 {p} ‘Look!’ he cried. elm.’
5.09.020 {p} ‘Say not so!’ stay.’
5.09.021 {p} ‘Dull and dreary over!’
5.09.022 {p} ‘Don’t be so it.’
5.09.023 {p} ‘The Sun may Dead.’
5.09.024 {p} ‘The Paths of more?’
5.09.025 {p} ‘Not willingly,’ said Aragorn.’
5.09.026 {p} ‘And by the it.’
5.09.027 {p} ‘Alas! I had journey.’
5.09.028 {p} He fell silent; them.’
5.09.029 {p} Swiftly then he them.
5.09.030 {p} ‘At his command yet!”
5.09.031 {p} ‘One day of passed.
5.09.032 {p} ‘“At Pelargir the said.
5.09.033 {p} ‘Thus we crossed Lebennin.’
5.09.034 {p} Legolas paused and sang:
5.09.035 {lg} Silver flow the Sea!
5.09.036 {p} ‘Green are those last.
5.09.037 {p} ‘Then I thought them.’
5.09.038 {p} ‘For my part still.
5.09.039 {p} ‘But Aragorn halted them.
5.09.040 {p} ‘To every ship free.
5.09.041 {p} ‘Ere that dark worsted!’
5.09.042 {p} ‘Strange indeed,’ said count.’
5.09.043 {p} ‘Beyond the eyes crying:
5.09.044 {p} ‘“Hear now the rest!”
5.09.045 {p} ‘And thereupon the dream.
5.09.046 {p} ‘That night we dark.
5.09.047 {p} ‘And that is short.
5.09.048 {p} ‘“It is forty utterly.”
5.09.049 {p} ‘The oars were suddenly.
5.09.050 {p} ‘“Up with your burning.”
5.09.051 {p} ‘But at midnight after.’
5.09.052 {p} ‘Follow what may, come.’
5.09.053 {p} ‘And that may Mountain.’
5.09.054 {p} ‘And I for Tree.’
5.09.055 {p} Then the companions debated.
5.09.056 {ps} When the Prince Elrond.
5.09.057 {p} ‘My lords,’ said words.
5.09.058 {p} ‘The Stones of is.
5.09.059 {p} ‘Hardly has our longer.’
5.09.060 {p} ‘Then you would Imrahil.
5.09.061 {p} ‘That would be Sauron.
5.09.062 {p} ‘Concerning this thing, removed.
5.09.063 {p} ‘Other evils there rule.
5.09.064 {p} ‘Now Sauron knows Orthanc?’
5.09.065 {p} ‘I did so aid.’
5.09.066 {p} ‘But how is it?’
5.09.067 {p} ‘He is not sudden.
5.09.068 {p} ‘He is watching. Captain.
5.09.069 {p} ‘His doubt will be.
5.09.070 {p} ‘As Aragorn has ever.”
5.09.071 {p} ‘We must walk be.’
5.09.072 {ps} They were silent will.’
5.09.073 {p} Then said Elrohir: back.’
5.09.074 {p} ‘As for myself,’ go.’
5.09.075 {p} ‘As for me,’ flank.’
5.09.076 {p} ‘That is true,’ peril.’
5.09.077 {p} ‘All are weary, City.’
5.09.078 {p} ‘We have not began.’
5.09.079 {p} ‘The Gate is anew?’
5.09.080 {p} ‘In Erebor in it.’
5.09.081 {ps} This then was Morgul.
5.09.082 {p} And when they aloud.
5.09.083 {p} ‘Surely,’ he cried, him?’
5.09.084 {p} ‘No, he will smile.’
5.09.085 {p} ‘Neither shall we,’ said.