LR 5.10 The Black Gate Opens

5.10.000 {h} The Black Gate Opens
5.10.001 {p} Two days later throw.
5.10.002 {p} Legolas and Gimli them.
5.10.003 {p} ‘You are not Farewell!’
5.10.004 {p} And so despondently Tirith.
5.10.005 {ps} At last the again.
5.10.006 {p} As if recalled hand.
5.10.007 {p} ‘Come, Master Perian!’ too.’
5.10.008 {ps} Ere noon the defence.
5.10.009 {p} The vanguard passed march.
5.10.010 {p} But the horsemen Dúath.
5.10.011 {p} Then Aragorn set stone.
5.10.012 {p} Now in their gate.’
5.10.013 {p} But against this city.
5.10.014 {p} It was dark departed.
5.10.015 {ps} The day after, winds.
5.10.016 {p} Ever and anon challenge.
5.10.017 {p} Nonetheless, though they hills.
5.10.018 {p} But the victory off.
5.10.019 {ps} So time and north.
5.10.020 {p} Aragorn looked at pass.
5.10.021 {p} ‘Go!’ said Aragorn. Rohan!’
5.10.022 {p} Then some being Mordor.
5.10.023 {ps} They advanced now Mordor.
5.10.024 {p} It grew cold. done.
5.10.025 {ps} The two vast sign.
5.10.026 {p} No choice was witness.
5.10.027 {p} They came within Mordor.
5.10.028 {p} ‘Come forth!’ they forth!’
5.10.029 {p} There was a Tower.
5.10.030 {p} At its head orc.
5.10.031 {p} He it was laughed.
5.10.032 {p} ‘Is there anyone following!’
5.10.033 {p} Aragorn said naught cried.
5.10.034 {p} ‘Where such laws peril.’
5.10.035 {p} ‘So!’ said the cloths.
5.10.036 {p} The Messenger put grief.
5.10.037 {p} ‘Silence!’ said Gandalf aloud.
5.10.038 {p} ‘So you have now.’
5.10.039 {p} ‘I do not here?’
5.10.040 {p} ‘Dwarf-coat, elf-cloak, blade choice.’
5.10.041 {p} No one answered terms.’
5.10.042 {p} ‘Name the terms,’ accept.
5.10.043 {p} ‘These are the trust.’
5.10.044 {p} Looking in the slaves.
5.10.045 {p} But Gandalf said: demands.’
5.10.046 {p} It seemed then again.
5.10.047 {p} ‘Do not bandy them!’
5.10.048 {p} ‘These we will Begone!’
5.10.049 {p} Then the Messenger trap.
5.10.050 {ps} Drums rolled and lifted.
5.10.051 {p} The Captains mounted steel.
5.10.052 {p} Little time was Guard.
5.10.053 {p} The wind blew, quenched.
5.10.054 {ps} Pippin had bowed ruin.
5.10.055 {p} ‘I wish Merry best.’
5.10.056 {p} He drew his again!’
5.10.057 {p} Then even as down.
5.10.058 {p} Then Pippin stabbed darkness.
5.10.059 {p} ‘So it ends above:
5.10.060 {p} ‘The Eagles are coming!’
5.10.061 {p} For one moment more.