LR 6.01 The Tower of Cirith Ungol

6.01.000 {h} The Tower of Cirith Ungol
6.01.001 {p} Sam roused himself them.
6.01.002 {p} Far within he attempt.
6.01.003 {p} ‘The perishing is too.
6.01.004 {p} ‘I wonder if alone.
6.01.005 {p} He came back out.
6.01.006 {p} All was ominously red.
6.01.007 {p} Sam looked up by.
6.01.008 {p} There he halted doubt.
6.01.009 {p} As before, Sam Cleft.
6.01.010 {p} Sam shuddered and Frodo!’
6.01.011 {p} He ran forward Mordor.
6.01.012 {ps} He took off fog!’
6.01.013 {p} Hard and cruel land.
6.01.014 {p} Sam was looking blood.
6.01.015 {p} In that dreadful Tower-gate.
6.01.016 {p} As he gazed Shelob.
6.01.017 {p} Only too clearly alone.
6.01.018 {ps} His thought turned be.
6.01.019 {p} In that hour command.
6.01.020 {p} ‘And anyway all done?’
6.01.021 {p} He was not wall.
6.01.022 {ps} Sam was about way.
6.01.023 {p} He crept on; moment.
6.01.024 {p} ‘Come on, you Watchers.
6.01.025 {p} They were like escape.
6.01.026 {p} Hardening his will fear.
6.01.027 {p} He sprang past stroke.
6.01.028 {ps} ‘That’s done it!’ too!’
6.01.029 {p} There was no blood.
6.01.030 {p} Two liveries Sam loss.
6.01.031 {p} A wide and way.
6.01.032 {p} ‘It’ll be near lights.’
6.01.033 {p} He advanced down on.
6.01.034 {p} He had passed overhead.
6.01.035 {p} His will was doom.
6.01.036 {p} For a moment chase.
6.01.037 {p} ‘Yes! The Elf-warrior you!’
6.01.038 {p} But the orc away.
6.01.039 {p} Sam plodded on. place!’
6.01.040 {p} And with that must.’
6.01.041 {ps} Up, up he seemed.
6.01.042 {p} All at once, came.
6.01.043 {p} At first Sam Tower.
6.01.044 {p} ‘You won’t go Shelob.’
6.01.045 {p} ‘They won’t come, last.’
6.01.046 {p} ‘Then you must here.’
6.01.047 {p} ‘I’m not going swag.’
6.01.048 {p} ‘That’s enough from shirt.’
6.01.049 {p} ‘Well, you put wouldn’t.’
6.01.049-fn {fn} See Appendix F, 1131.
6.01.050 {p} ‘So that’s it, first.’
6.01.051 {p} Out of the animal.
6.01.052 {p} As far as came.
6.01.053 {p} Suddenly, as Shagrat throat.
6.01.054 {p} ‘Got you, Gorbag!’ stairs.
6.01.055 {p} Sam had no stairs.
6.01.056 {p} Sam ran after afterwards.’
6.01.057 {p} Away below Shagrat above.
6.01.058 {p} Softly Sam began all.
6.01.059 {p} ‘A dead end,’ now?’
6.01.060 {p} He ran back hand.
6.01.061 {p} At last, weary sing.
6.01.062 {p} His voice sounded tune.
6.01.063 {lg} In western lands hair.
6.01.064 {lg} Though here at farewell.
6.01.065 {p} ‘Beyond all towers out.
6.01.066 {p} ‘Ho la! You hear?’
6.01.067 {p} There was no answer.
6.01.068 {p} ‘All right,’ growled to.’
6.01.069 {p} The hinges creaked again.
6.01.070 {p} ‘You lie quiet, whip.
6.01.071 {p} At that rage fell.
6.01.072 {p} With a cry Frodo.
6.01.073 {ps} He was naked, whip-weal.
6.01.074 {p} ‘Frodo! Mr. Frodo, eyes.
6.01.075 {p} ‘Am I still horrible.’
6.01.076 {p} ‘You’re not dreaming come.’
6.01.077 {p} ‘I can hardly you?’
6.01.078 {p} ‘It was indeed, you.’
6.01.079 {p} ‘Well, you have hand.
6.01.080 {p} Sam felt that morning.
6.01.081 {p} Frodo sighed and asked.
6.01.082 {p} ‘There’s no time guess.’
6.01.083 {p} ‘Only that?’ said eyes.’
6.01.084 {p} ‘You won’t, if walk?’
6.01.085 {p} ‘Yes, I can floor.
6.01.086 {p} ‘That’s better!’ he worse.’
6.01.087 {p} ‘Yes, they quarrelled, Frodo.’
6.01.088 {p} ‘They’ve taken everything, out.’
6.01.089 {p} ‘No, not everything, again.
6.01.090 {p} ‘You’ve got it?’ it!’
6.01.091 {p} ‘All right, Mr. maybe?’
6.01.092 {p} ‘No, no!’ cried eyes.
6.01.093 {p} ‘O Sam!’ cried doom.’
6.01.094 {p} ‘That’s all right, you!’
6.01.095 {p} Sam unclasped his far.’
6.01.096 {p} ‘Take care, Sam!’ wait.’
6.01.097 {p} ‘I’ve got to floor.
6.01.098 {p} ‘There’s something that that.’
6.01.099 {ps} Frodo sat for prison.
6.01.100 {p} It was not thud.
6.01.101 {p} ‘Quick now, Mr. seen.’
6.01.102 {p} He opened the nose-guard.
6.01.103 {p} ‘The Morgul-stuff, Gorbag’s go.’
6.01.104 {p} ‘What about you, match?’
6.01.105 {p} ‘Well, Mr. Frodo, up.’
6.01.106 {p} He knelt down off!’
6.01.107 {p} ‘I can’t go drink?’
6.01.108 {p} ‘Save me, but poison?’
6.01.109 {p} ‘No, they eat place.’
6.01.110 {p} ‘But there’s no Sam.
6.01.111 {p} ‘Well, things are water-bottle.’
6.01.112 {p} ‘Well, there’s no good!’
6.01.113 {p} ‘Not till you’ve come.’
6.01.114 {ps} At last they on.
6.01.115 {p} Down the great still.
6.01.116 {p} At length they limb.
6.01.117 {p} Frodo had no me.’
6.01.118 {p} ‘I do, Mr. it!’
6.01.119 {p} Sam drew out pass.
6.01.120 {p} ‘Gilthoniel, A Elbereth!’ trees.
6.01.121 {p} ‘Aiya elenion ancalima!’ him.
6.01.122 {p} The will of shriek.