LR 6.02 The Land of Shadow

6.02.000 {h} The Land of Shadow
6.02.001 {p} Sam had just me!’
6.02.002 {p} Down the road echoed.
6.02.003 {p} In terror they begin.
6.02.004 {p} ‘This won’t do, somehow.’
6.02.005 {p} ‘But we can’t,’ wings.’
6.02.006 {ps} The eastern faces hoofs.
6.02.007 {p} ‘Quick, Sam! Over fall.
6.02.008 {p} ‘Well, here goes, ‘Good-bye!’
6.02.009 {p} He let go. hand.
6.02.010 {p} When the sound on!’
6.02.011 {p} ‘Orc-mail doesn’t keep good.’
6.02.012 {ps} They had a last.
6.02.013 {p} ‘Now down we can.’
6.02.014 {p} Day was coming further.
6.02.015 {p} At length they Sam.
6.02.016 {p} ‘Don’t say such effort.’
6.02.017 {p} Sam scrambled to own.’
6.02.018 {ps} Frodo now led again.
6.02.019 {p} ‘It’s no good, fighting.’
6.02.020 {p} ‘But we may dark.’
6.02.021 {p} ‘Look here, Sam me.’
6.02.022 {p} ‘Don’t talk about then!’
6.02.023 {p} Frodo laid aside chill.’
6.02.024 {p} ‘You can have Lady.’
6.02.025 {p} Frodo took the now.’
6.02.026 {p} ‘There now, Mr. sky.
6.02.027 {ps} They started off while.’
6.02.028 {p} Crouched under a prison.
6.02.029 {p} ‘Look at it, on!’
6.02.030 {p} It was the Fields.
6.02.031 {p} As Frodo and doom.
6.02.032 {p} ‘What did I now?’
6.02.033 {p} ‘Well no, not fire.’
6.02.034 {p} Sam’s quick spirits you.’
6.02.035 {ps} Sharing a wafer Angren.
6.02.036 {p} It was perilous cautiously.
6.02.037 {p} The light grew stones.
6.02.038 {p} Sam sprang towards said.
6.02.039 {p} ‘All right, but two.’
6.02.040 {p} ‘I didn’t mean me.’
6.02.041 {p} ‘I do. But cold!’
6.02.042 {p} The water was orc-hold.
6.02.043 {p} ‘This is where little.’
6.02.044 {ps} The river-bed was reeled.
6.02.045 {p} ‘Orc-gear’s no good,’ hide!’
6.02.046 {p} At last Frodo rock-face.
6.02.047 {p} There they sat cross.
6.02.048 {p} ‘Now you go over.’
6.02.049 {p} Frodo sighed and sleep.
6.02.050 {ps} They woke together, slate.
6.02.051 {p} After much wandering earth.
6.02.052 {p} Still far away, gloom.
6.02.053 {p} Frodo and Sam hurrying.
6.02.054 {p} ‘I don’t like wrong.’
6.02.055 {p} Neither he nor more.
6.02.056 {p} ‘Well!’ Sam went down.’
6.02.057 {p} ‘Still we shall narrower.’
6.02.058 {p} ‘I guess what Frodo.’
6.02.059 {p} ‘I dare say away.
6.02.060 {ps} They soon found water-course.
6.02.061 {p} They went two fashion.
6.02.062 {p} Hardly twenty paces you.’
6.02.063 {p} ‘Not much use noses.’
6.02.064 {p} ‘Then what have for.’
6.02.065 {p} ‘Whose blame’s that?’ together.’
6.02.066 {p} ‘Ar!’ said the battles.’
6.02.067 {p} ‘Who says there’s soldier.
6.02.068 {p} ‘Ar! Who says isn’t?’
6.02.069 {p} ‘That’s cursed rebel-talk, see?’
6.02.070 {p} ‘All right, all hands?’
6.02.071 {p} ‘I don’t know. quick.’
6.02.072 {p} ‘Well, I hope there.’
6.02.073 {p} ‘It saved his on.’
6.02.074 {p} ‘Garn! You missed off.
6.02.075 {p} ‘You come back,’ you!’
6.02.076 {p} ‘Who to? Not more.’
6.02.077 {p} ‘I’ll give your now.’
6.02.078 {p} The other halted, true!’
6.02.079 {p} The big orc, disappeared.
6.02.080 {ps} For a while over.’
6.02.081 {p} ‘Quietly, Sam,’ Frodo dead.’
6.02.082 {p} There was another I?’
6.02.083 {p} ‘Yes, I remember. quietly.’
6.02.084 {p} ‘I’ll try,’ said shout.’
6.02.085 {p} There the hobbits stirred.
6.02.086 {p} ‘Well, I suppose again.’
6.02.087 {ps} It was difficult most.
6.02.088 {p} ‘Begging your pardon, go?’
6.02.089 {p} ‘No, not any nearer.’
6.02.090 {p} Sam sighed. ‘That’s waybread.’
6.02.091 {p} ‘I’ll try and march!’
6.02.092 {ps} It was not stone.
6.02.093 {p} Slowly the light bridge.
6.02.094 {p} A few miles Isenmouthe.
6.02.095 {p} To the hobbits Angren.
6.02.096 {p} ‘We have come eastward.’
6.02.097 {p} ‘Then we must it!’
6.02.098 {p} ‘All right, Sam,’ you.’
6.02.099 {p} ‘Before you start them!’
6.02.100 {p} He gave Frodo further.’
6.02.101 {p} Sam crept out, stones.
6.02.102 {p} Sam tasted the disappeared.
6.02.103 {p} ‘Well, luck did gently.
6.02.104 {p} ‘That Gollum’s about longer.’
6.02.105 {p} ‘Bless you, Sam!’ himself.’
6.02.106 {p} ‘But he might sleep.
6.02.107 {ps} Light was fading Gollum.
6.02.108 {p} Mordor-dark had returned, pace.
6.02.109 {p} After doing some ahead.
6.02.110 {p} ‘I feared it, head.
6.02.111 {p} ‘Seems so,’ said cliff.
6.02.112 {p} They did not feet.
6.02.113 {p} ‘If only they thought.
6.02.114 {p} And so it company.
6.02.115 {p} ‘Come on, you you.’
6.02.116 {p} They struggled to trot.
6.02.117 {p} It was hard them.
6.02.118 {p} ‘There now!’ he war?’
6.02.119 {ps} They had gone thought.
6.02.120 {p} Then just as confusion.
6.02.121 {p} Dazed as he land.
6.02.122 {p} They lay still torchlight.
6.02.123 {p} ‘Come on, Mr. still.’
6.02.124 {p} With a last thing.