LR 6.05 The Steward and the King

6.05.000 {h} The Steward and the King
6.05.001 {p} Over the city East.
6.05.002 {p} When the Captains Healing.
6.05.003 {p} ‘Sir,’ she said, sloth.’
6.05.004 {p} ‘Lady,’ he answered, back.’
6.05.005 {p} ‘I am healed,’ nothing.’
6.05.006 {p} ‘There are no them.’
6.05.007 {p} ‘It needs but latter.’
6.05.008 {p} The Warden looked again.
6.05.009 {p} ‘Is there no City?’
6.05.010 {p} ‘I do not City.’
6.05.011 {p} ‘Where can I him?’
6.05.012 {p} ‘In this house, know—’
6.05.013 {p} ‘Will you not know.’
6.05.014 {ps} The Lord Faramir unrest.
6.05.015 {p} ‘My lord,’ said City.’
6.05.016 {p} ‘Do not misunderstand on.’
6.05.017 {p} At a sign battle.
6.05.018 {p} ‘What do you it.’
6.05.019 {p} ‘I would have end.
6.05.020 {p} ‘I myself am need.’
6.05.021 {p} ‘But I do peace.’
6.05.022 {p} ‘It is too waiting.’
6.05.023 {p} She did not sad.
6.05.024 {p} Faramir smiled, though me.’
6.05.025 {p} Then she raised men.’
6.05.026 {p} ‘Would you have said.
6.05.027 {p} ‘I would.’
6.05.028 {p} ‘Then, Éowyn of back.’
6.05.029 {p} ‘Alas, not me, walls.
6.05.030 {ps} When he returned Rohan.
6.05.031 {p} ‘But I doubt say.’
6.05.032 {p} And so Merry come.
6.05.033 {p} But in the strength.
6.05.034 {p} And so the drear.
6.05.035 {p} They were clad Éowyn.
6.05.036 {p} But she now clear.
6.05.037 {p} ‘What do you Faramir.
6.05.038 {p} ‘Does not the away.’
6.05.039 {p} ‘Seven days,’ said found.’
6.05.040 {p} ‘Lose what you doom.’
6.05.041 {p} ‘Yes, we wait halted.
6.05.042 {p} And as they again.
6.05.043 {p} ‘It reminds me speak.
6.05.044 {p} ‘Of Númenor?’ said Éowyn.
6.05.045 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Faramir, it.’
6.05.046 {p} ‘Then you think him.
6.05.047 {p} ‘No,’ said Faramir, brow.
6.05.048 {p} And so they tell.
6.05.049 {p} And before the crying:
6.05.050 {lg} Sing now, ye down.
6.05.051 {lg} Sing and rejoice, victorious.
6.05.052 {lg} Sing and be life.
6.05.053 {lg} And the Tree blessed.
6.05.054 {lg} Sing all ye people!
6.05.055 {p} And the people City.
6.05.056 {ps} The days that him.
6.05.057 {p} And Éowyn did Faramir.
6.05.058 {p} Then Faramir came you?’
6.05.059 {p} And she said: know?’
6.05.060 {p} But he answered: know.’
6.05.061 {p} And she said: plainer!’
6.05.062 {p} ‘Then if you not?’
6.05.063 {p} ‘I wished to pity.’
6.05.064 {p} ‘That I know,’ Éowyn!’
6.05.065 {p} And Éowyn looked me?’
6.05.066 {p} Then the heart her.
6.05.067 {p} ‘I stand in said.
6.05.068 {p} Then Faramir laughed comes.’
6.05.069 {p} ‘Then must I choose?”’
6.05.070 {p} ‘I would,’ said Healing.
6.05.071 {p} And to the healed.’
6.05.072 {p} And the Warden returns.’
6.05.073 {p} But Éowyn said: came.
6.05.074 {ps} All things were Lebennin.
6.05.075 {p} At last an time.
6.05.076 {p} Now the Captains flowers.
6.05.077 {p} So now there see.
6.05.078 {p} ‘Nay, cousin! they and—’
6.05.079 {p} But Ioreth was silver.
6.05.080 {p} Faramir met Aragorn office!’
6.05.081 {p} Then Faramir stood there?’
6.05.082 {p} And all the voice.
6.05.083 {p} And Ioreth said again.
6.05.084 {p} ‘Men of Gondor, old.’
6.05.085 {p} Then the guards flame.
6.05.086 {p} Then Aragorn took said:
6.05.087 {qt} Et Eärello Endorenna Ambar-metta!
6.05.088 {p} And those were world.’
6.05.089 {p} Then to the victory.’
6.05.090 {p} Then Frodo came said:
6.05.091 {p} ‘Now come the endure!’
6.05.092 {p} But when Aragorn cried:
6.05.093 {p} ‘Behold the King!’
6.05.094 {p} And in that told.
6.05.095 {p} In his time gone.
6.05.096 {ps} In the days judged.
6.05.097 {p} And the King doom.
6.05.098 {p} ‘All penalty is Tirith.’
6.05.099 {p} Then the blood said:
6.05.100 {p} ‘So it must death.’
6.05.101 {p} And then Beregond, City.
6.05.102 {p} ‘For,’ said he, years.’
6.05.103 {p} And last of people.’
6.05.104 {p} And Éomer answered: while.’
6.05.105 {p} And Éowyn said return.’
6.05.106 {ps} So the glad darkness.
6.05.107 {p} The hobbits still more.
6.05.108 {p} In those days home.’
6.05.109 {p} ‘As for Bilbo,’ out.’
6.05.110 {p} ‘Pippin,’ said Frodo, recovering.’
6.05.111 {p} And Gandalf said: sign.’
6.05.112 {ps} There came a Sea.
6.05.113 {p} And Gandalf said: depart.’
6.05.114 {p} ‘I know it counsel.’
6.05.115 {p} ‘Not for long kindred.’
6.05.116 {p} ‘But I shall otherwise?’
6.05.117 {p} ‘Turn your face Gandalf.
6.05.118 {p} Then Aragorn turned, snow.
6.05.119 {p} Then Aragorn cried: old.’
6.05.120 {p} And Gandalf coming Elessar.’
6.05.121 {p} Then Aragorn laid blossom.
6.05.122 {p} ‘The sign has walls.
6.05.123 {ps} It was the ready!’
6.05.124 {p} Upon the very people.
6.05.125 {p} And Frodo when away!’
6.05.126 {p} Then the King fulfilment.