LR 6.06 Many Partings

6.06.000 {h} Many Partings
6.06.001 {p} When the days said:
6.06.002 {p} ‘I know what more.’
6.06.003 {p} ‘It is true come.’
6.06.004 {p} ‘Do you wonder one.’
6.06.005 {p} ‘Then I beg Frodo.
6.06.006 {p} ‘In seven days land.’
6.06.007 {p} But the Queen woven!’
6.06.008 {p} And she took aid.’
6.06.009 {ps} In three days, ready?’
6.06.010 {p} ‘Nay, lord,’ said need.’
6.06.011 {p} ‘You shall judge,’ eyes.’
6.06.012 {p} ‘Well, lord,’ said now?’
6.06.013 {p} ‘Alas!’ said Éomer. lives.’
6.06.014 {p} ‘Then I must Gimli.
6.06.015 {p} ‘But first I sword?’
6.06.016 {p} Then Gimli bowed ever.’
6.06.017 {ps} At last the king.
6.06.018 {p} For the other Arod.
6.06.019 {p} In that riding home.
6.06.020 {p} Without haste and cried:
6.06.021 {p} ‘Behold, the King leave!’
6.06.022 {p} Then the drums silent.
6.06.023 {ps} At length after Barrowfield.
6.06.024 {p} Then the Riders morning.
6.06.025 {lg} Out of doubt, glory.
6.06.026 {p} But Merry stood cried:
6.06.027 {p} ‘Théoden King, Théoden Farewell!’
6.06.028 {ps} When the burial Éomer.
6.06.029 {p} Then a minstrel Mark!’
6.06.030 {p} At the last all.’
6.06.031 {p} And Faramir and rejoice.’
6.06.032 {p} ‘No niggard are realm!’
6.06.033 {p} Then Éowyn looked healer!’
6.06.034 {p} And he answered: bliss.’
6.06.035 {ps} When the feast world.
6.06.036 {p} At the last welcome!’
6.06.037 {p} And Éomer said: morning.’
6.06.038 {p} Then Éowyn gave virtue.
6.06.039 {p} ‘This is an him.’
6.06.040 {p} Then Merry took time.
6.06.041 {ps} Now the guests right!’
6.06.042 {p} From Deeping-coomb they pool.
6.06.043 {p} For a while side.
6.06.044 {p} ‘Welcome to the Gandalf.
6.06.045 {p} ‘Well, come now!’ here?’
6.06.046 {p} ‘To see how achieved.’
6.06.047 {p} ‘Hoom, well, that Lórien.
6.06.048 {p} ‘And these same to.’
6.06.049 {p} ‘We know it Edoras.’
6.06.050 {p} ‘Never is too Ents.’
6.06.051 {p} ‘The New Age windows.’
6.06.052 {p} Treebeard gave Gandalf speech.’
6.06.053 {p} ‘Then why did Gandalf.
6.06.054 {p} ‘Hoom, no, not ruin.’
6.06.055 {p} ‘I observe, my dead?’
6.06.056 {p} ‘No, not dead, will.’
6.06.057 {p} ‘You may be it.’
6.06.058 {p} ‘That will be leave.’
6.06.059 {p} ‘It is locked,’ them.’
6.06.060 {p} Quickbeam bowed like ago.’
6.06.061 {p} Treebeard’s face became Entings.’
6.06.062 {p} ‘Yet maybe there closed.’
6.06.063 {p} But Treebeard shook Galadriel.
6.06.064 {p} But all save seemed.
6.06.065 {p} ‘Here then at promised.’
6.06.066 {p} ‘We will come, again.’
6.06.067 {ps} Then Treebeard said again.’
6.06.068 {p} And Celeborn said: Farewell!’
6.06.069 {p} Last of all go?’
6.06.070 {p} ‘Indeed we will,’ bowls.
6.06.071 {p} ‘Well, good-bye!’ he trees.
6.06.072 {ps} The travellers now perils.
6.06.073 {p} ‘I wish we away!’
6.06.074 {p} ‘Only one now day.’
6.06.075 {p} Then Aragorn took days!’
6.06.076 {p} But Celeborn said: end!’
6.06.077 {p} With that they hand.
6.06.078 {ps} Soon the dwindling would.
6.06.079 {p} On the sixth whining.
6.06.080 {p} ‘Well Saruman!’ said going?’
6.06.081 {p} ‘What is that ruin?’
6.06.082 {p} ‘You know the mercy.’
6.06.083 {p} ‘Then all the realm.’
6.06.084 {p} ‘Then once more you.’
6.06.085 {p} ‘To me?’ said pleasure.’
6.06.086 {p} ‘Saruman,’ said Galadriel, chance.’
6.06.087 {p} ‘If it be any.’
6.06.088 {p} For a moment hideous.
6.06.089 {p} ‘Get up, you supper!’
6.06.090 {p} The beggar turned him!’
6.06.091 {p} ‘Then leave him!’ Gandalf.
6.06.092 {p} But Wormtongue only pity.
6.06.093 {p} ‘So you have you?’
6.06.094 {p} ‘I would, if Frodo.
6.06.095 {p} ‘You can have Isengard.’
6.06.096 {p} ‘Mine, mine, yes leaf!’
6.06.097 {p} ‘Thank you!’ said own.’
6.06.098 {p} ‘One thief deserves wood.
6.06.099 {p} ‘Well, I like Rohan?’
6.06.100 {p} ‘Ah!’ said Sam. back.’
6.06.101 {p} ‘I’m sure it happens.’
6.06.102 {p} ‘Yes, I think way.’
6.06.103 {p} Next day they reeds.
6.06.104 {p} So they passed Moria.
6.06.105 {p} Here now for fro.
6.06.106 {p} But at length farewell.
6.06.107 {p} Sam turned away Lórien!’
6.06.108 {p} At last one homecoming.
6.06.109 {p} First of all, sleepy.
6.06.110 {p} He opened his see.’
6.06.111 {ps} After the celebration nod.
6.06.112 {p} The only part bother.’
6.06.113 {ps} When nearly a said:
6.06.114 {p} ‘Well, Mr. Frodo, truth.’
6.06.115 {p} ‘Yes, something of Sea.’
6.06.116 {p} That day Frodo Butterbur.’
6.06.117 {p} In the evening B.B.
6.06.118 {p} To Sam he blushed.
6.06.119 {p} ‘I have nothing expensive.’
6.06.120 {p} ‘But if you Bullroarer.’
6.06.121 {p} Bilbo laughed, and away?’
6.06.122 {p} ‘I have lost know.’
6.06.123 {p} ‘What a pity!’ besides.
6.06.124 {p} ‘I evidently came want?
6.06.125 {lg} The Road goes meet.’
6.06.126 {p} And as Bilbo soundly.
6.06.127 {ps} The evening deepened softly:
6.06.128 {p} ‘I don’t think, now.’
6.06.129 {p} At that Bilbo critical.’
6.06.130 {p} ‘Of course I’ll order.’
6.06.131 {p} ‘Thank you, my again.
6.06.132 {ps} The next day household.
6.06.133 {p} As Frodo stood said:
6.06.134 {p} ‘I think, Frodo, him.’
6.06.135 {p} These words no himself.