LR 6.07 Homeward Bound

6.07.000 {h} Homeward Bound
6.07.001 {p} At last the October.
6.07.002 {p} ‘Are you in side.
6.07.003 {p} ‘Well, yes I today.’
6.07.004 {p} ‘Alas! there are Gandalf.
6.07.005 {p} ‘I fear it rest?’
6.07.006 {p} Gandalf did not answer.
6.07.007 {ps} By the end sight.
6.07.008 {p} So it was welcome.
6.07.009 {p} When they had welcome.
6.07.010 {p} ‘Come in!’ he hear.’
6.07.011 {p} ‘And there you’ll Harry?’
6.07.012 {p} The Gate-keeper scowled. evening!’
6.07.013 {p} ‘Good evening to up.
6.07.014 {p} ‘Do you think Pippin.
6.07.015 {p} ‘I’m not so all.’
6.07.016 {ps} At last they surprise.
6.07.017 {p} ‘Mr. Butterbur! Master!’ back!’
6.07.018 {p} ‘Oh have they? delight.
6.07.019 {p} ‘Nob, you woolly-pated home!’
6.07.020 {p} Mr. Butterbur had careworn.
6.07.021 {p} He led them waited.
6.07.022 {p} As they expected ourselves.’
6.07.023 {p} ‘That is just you.’
6.07.024 {p} ‘Well, if you’d can.’
6.07.025 {p} When he came pardon.’
6.07.026 {p} They put him times!’
6.07.027 {p} But he did me.’
6.07.028 {p} ‘I will indeed,’ many?’
6.07.029 {p} ‘Three and two,’ had.
6.07.030 {p} ‘And now they’re nights.’
6.07.031 {p} ‘Well, no one us.’
6.07.032 {p} ‘Ah, that you you.’
6.07.033 {p} Then the hobbits side.
6.07.034 {p} Gandalf laughed. ‘Well, stay.’
6.07.035 {p} ‘How long will me.’
6.07.036 {p} ‘I expect it way.
6.07.037 {p} ‘Then the Greenway wilderness.’
6.07.038 {p} Mr. Butterbur shook country.’
6.07.039 {p} ‘You will be Evendim.’
6.07.040 {p} ‘Up away by there.’
6.07.041 {p} ‘The Rangers go through.’
6.07.042 {p} ‘Well, that sounds alone.’
6.07.043 {p} ‘He will,’ said it.’
6.07.044 {p} ‘Does he now?’ say.’
6.07.045 {p} ‘Ah!’ said Sam. good.’
6.07.046 {p} ‘He says?’
6.07.047 {p} ‘Of course he yet?’
6.07.048 {p} It went in to?’
6.07.049 {p} ‘Better times, for Gandalf.
6.07.050 {p} ‘I hope so, slowcoach!’
6.07.051 {p} ‘Nob!’ he said of?’
6.07.052 {p} ‘Not another letter Merry.
6.07.053 {p} ‘Now, now, Mr. it.’
6.07.054 {p} ‘What! My Bill?’ stable.
6.07.055 {ps} The travellers stayed book.
6.07.056 {p} ‘Not yet,’ he south’.
6.07.057 {p} Then one of again.
6.07.058 {p} No trouble by it.
6.07.059 {p} ‘Well, good luck pleased.’
6.07.060 {ps} They wished him content.
6.07.061 {p} ‘I wonder what Frodo.
6.07.062 {p} ‘I can guess quicker.’
6.07.063 {p} ‘And something’s wrong pipe-weed.’
6.07.064 {p} ‘Whatever it is,’ that.’
6.07.065 {p} ‘Deep in, but did.’
6.07.066 {p} ‘Well, we’ve got up.’
6.07.067 {p} ‘I am with you.
6.07.068 {p} ‘But if you another.’
6.07.069 {ps} In a little away.
6.07.070 {p} They halted and on?’
6.07.071 {p} ‘As well as locked.’
6.07.072 {p} ‘But there aren’t time.’
6.07.073 {p} ‘There weren’t any Good-bye!’
6.07.074 {p} He turned Shadowfax North.
6.07.075 {ps} ‘Well here we faded.’
6.07.076 {p} ‘Not to me,’ again.’