LR 6.08 The Scouring of the Shire

6.08.000 {h} The Scouring of the Shire
6.08.001 {p} It was after un-Shirelike.
6.08.002 {p} They hammered on dark:
6.08.003 {p} ‘Who’s that? Be sunrise?’
6.08.004 {p} ‘Of course we it.’
6.08.005 {p} At that a frightened.
6.08.006 {p} ‘Come along!’ said Gate.’
6.08.007 {p} ‘Bless me! It’s all!’
6.08.008 {p} ‘Then stop gaping Merry.
6.08.009 {p} ‘I’m sorry, Master orders.’
6.08.010 {p} ‘Whose orders?’
6.08.011 {p} ‘The Chief’s up End.’
6.08.012 {p} ‘Chief? Chief? Do Frodo.
6.08.013 {p} ‘I suppose so, nowadays.’
6.08.014 {p} ‘Do you indeed!’ place.’
6.08.015 {p} A hush fell Man.’
6.08.016 {p} ‘We shall wake enough.’
6.08.017 {p} Merry and Pippin doorway.
6.08.018 {p} ‘What’s all this,’ swords.
6.08.019 {p} ‘Bill Ferny,’ said highway-robber.’
6.08.020 {p} Bill Ferny flinched again.
6.08.021 {p} ‘Neat work, Bill,’ pony.
6.08.022 {p} ‘So much for up.’
6.08.023 {p} ‘I am sorry, allowed.’
6.08.024 {p} ‘What isn’t allowed?’
6.08.025 {p} ‘Taking in folk Hob.
6.08.026 {p} ‘What’s the matter harvest.’
6.08.027 {p} ‘Well no, the again.’
6.08.028 {p} ‘Oh come!’ said seen.’
6.08.029 {ps} The hobbits at fire.
6.08.030 {p} ‘Well now, what said.
6.08.031 {p} ‘There isn’t no Lotho—’
6.08.032 {p} ‘Now you shut trouble.’
6.08.033 {p} ‘He wouldn’t hear hotly.
6.08.034 {p} ‘All right, all morning!’
6.08.035 {ps} The new ‘Chief’ discovered.
6.08.036 {p} They had not End.
6.08.037 {p} As evening fell scared.
6.08.038 {p} ‘What’s all this?’ laugh.
6.08.039 {p} ‘This is what Food.’
6.08.040 {p} ‘And what else?’ Frodo.
6.08.041 {p} ‘That’ll do to Shirriff-leader.
6.08.042 {p} ‘I can add Tom-fools.’
6.08.043 {p} ‘There now, Mister, you.’
6.08.044 {p} To the discomfiture affair.’
6.08.045 {p} ‘Very well, Mr. you.’
6.08.046 {p} ‘I won’t,’ said obliged.’
6.08.047 {p} ‘I can’t do there.’
6.08.048 {p} ‘All right,’ said follow.’
6.08.049 {ps} Sam had been you.’
6.08.050 {p} With a sheepish pony.
6.08.051 {p} ‘Look here, Cock-robin!’ closed?’
6.08.052 {p} ‘They’re all closed,’ business.’
6.08.053 {p} ‘You ought to off.’
6.08.054 {p} ‘And so I different.’
6.08.055 {p} ‘But you can Sam.
6.08.056 {p} ‘We’re not allowed Robin.
6.08.057 {p} ‘If I hear angry.’
6.08.058 {p} ‘Can’t say as now.’
6.08.059 {p} ‘Then why do Frogmorton?’
6.08.060 {p} ‘No one did. Men.’
6.08.061 {p} ‘Ah! So that’s it?’
6.08.062 {p} ‘That’s right. We evidently.’
6.08.063 {p} ‘He won’t be Sam.
6.08.064 {ps} The Shirriff-house at gone.
6.08.065 {p} It was rather thoughtful.
6.08.066 {p} The last person who?’
6.08.067 {p} Two of the them!’
6.08.068 {p} The two hobbits sweating.
6.08.069 {p} At the Three-Farthing pace.
6.08.070 {p} ‘Well, come along on.’
6.08.071 {p} ‘Good-bye, Cock-robin!’ said way!’
6.08.072 {p} ‘You’re breaking arrest, answerable.’
6.08.073 {p} ‘We shall break you!’
6.08.074 {ps} The travellers trotted air.
6.08.075 {p} Sam was beside gaffer.’
6.08.076 {p} ‘We ought to here.’
6.08.077 {p} But in the sallow-faced.
6.08.078 {p} ‘Like that friend Sam.
6.08.079 {p} ‘Like many that Merry.
6.08.080 {ps} The ruffians had way.
6.08.081 {p} ‘Where d’you think Shirriffs?’
6.08.082 {p} ‘Coming along nicely,’ here.’
6.08.083 {p} ‘Garn, what did sent.’
6.08.084 {p} ‘And what difference them.’
6.08.085 {p} ‘Footpads, eh?’ said says.’
6.08.086 {p} ‘And what may quietly.
6.08.087 {p} ‘This country wants rat-folk.’
6.08.088 {p} ‘Indeed. I am too.’
6.08.089 {p} The ruffian laughed. See?’
6.08.090 {p} ‘Yes, I see,’ Isengard.’
6.08.091 {p} The man stared perhaps.’
6.08.092 {p} This was too forward.
6.08.093 {p} ‘I am a you!’
6.08.094 {p} The sword glinted fear.
6.08.095 {p} ‘Go!’ said Merry. ran.
6.08.096 {p} ‘Well, we’ve come Merry.
6.08.097 {p} ‘Not a day him.’
6.08.098 {p} ‘Save Lotho? Whatever say.’
6.08.099 {p} ‘I don’t think him.’
6.08.100 {p} ‘Well I am Pimple!’
6.08.101 {p} ‘Fight?’ said Frodo. moment!’
6.08.102 {p} ‘But if there Frodo.’
6.08.103 {p} ‘No,’ said Pippin. armed.’
6.08.104 {p} ‘I’ve an idea,’ mine.’
6.08.105 {p} ‘No!’ said Merry. once.’
6.08.106 {p} ‘Do what?’ said Pippin.
6.08.107 {p} ‘Raise the Shire!’ time.
6.08.108 {p} ‘Sam, you can before.’
6.08.109 {p} They rode back neighed.
6.08.110 {p} ‘On, lad! On!’ soon.’
6.08.111 {p} Then he heard air.
6.08.112 {qt} Awake! Awake! Fear, Awake!
6.08.113 {p} Behind him Sam way.
6.08.114 {p} ‘Nay! It’s not to-do?’
6.08.115 {p} ‘It’s Sam, Sam back.’
6.08.116 {p} Farmer Cotton came dead.’
6.08.117 {p} ‘That I ain’t!’ now.’
6.08.118 {p} ‘Good, good!’ cried it!’
6.08.119 {p} ‘What about Mrs. alone.’
6.08.120 {p} ‘My Nibs is village.
6.08.121 {p} Sam hurried to hay-fork.
6.08.122 {p} ‘It’s me!’ shouted me.’
6.08.123 {p} He jumped down Rosie!’
6.08.124 {p} ‘Hullo, Sam!’ said you?’
6.08.125 {p} ‘Perhaps not,’ said Rosie.’
6.08.126 {p} ‘We’re keeping nicely, ruffians.’
6.08.127 {p} ‘Well, be off dangerous?’
6.08.128 {p} This was too steps.
6.08.129 {p} ‘I think you ruffians!’
6.08.130 {ps} When Sam got farms.
6.08.131 {p} Some of the away.
6.08.132 {p} Sam found Frodo stared.
6.08.133 {p} ‘Well, what’s the Cotton.
6.08.134 {p} ‘I can’t say,’ there?’
6.08.135 {p} ‘That’s hard to near.’
6.08.136 {p} ‘Hobbiton’s not their Pippin.
6.08.137 {p} ‘No, more’s the together.’
6.08.138 {p} ‘Have they got Merry.
6.08.139 {p} ‘Whips, knives, and folk.’
6.08.140 {p} ‘There you are, killing.’
6.08.141 {p} ‘Not exactly,’ said now.’
6.08.142 {p} ‘Good for the Tuckborough?’
6.08.143 {p} Pippin rode off cheered.
6.08.144 {p} ‘All the same,’ hobbits.’
6.08.145 {p} ‘All right!’ said plan.’
6.08.146 {p} ‘Very good,’ said arrangements.’
6.08.147 {p} Just then some country.’
6.08.148 {p} ‘To Waymeet, that’ll yet.’
6.08.149 {p} Merry hurried off together.
6.08.150 {p} The hobbits opened temper.’
6.08.151 {p} No one paid hands.
6.08.152 {p} ‘Who are you, ruffian-leader.
6.08.153 {p} Farmer Cotton looked wanted.’
6.08.154 {p} ‘Well, you’re wanted quiet!’
6.08.155 {p} The Men took weapon.
6.08.156 {p} Merry stepped forward. have!’
6.08.157 {p} The leader looked out.
6.08.158 {p} ‘At ’em, lads!’ it!’
6.08.159 {p} With a long him.
6.08.160 {p} That was enough buried.
6.08.161 {p} ‘Seems almost too Merry.’
6.08.162 {p} ‘There’s more to Chief.’
6.08.163 {p} ‘Why not now?’ Cotton?’
6.08.164 {p} ‘He’s not too allowed.’
6.08.165 {p} ‘Thank’ee indeed, Mr. morning.’
6.08.166 {p} ‘All right, Sam,’ you.’
6.08.167 {ps} Sam went off. Shire.
6.08.168 {p} ‘It all began seemingly.
6.08.169 {p} ‘Of course he wanted.
6.08.170 {p} ‘Then there was ruination.’
6.08.171 {p} ‘Who is this him.’
6.08.172 {p} ‘The biggest ruffian more.
6.08.173 {p} ‘Take Sandyman’s mill say.’
6.08.174 {p} ‘That’s right!’ put cart.
6.08.175 {p} ‘“Where be you she.
6.08.176 {p} ‘“To Bag End,” they.
6.08.177 {p} ‘“What for?” says she.
6.08.178 {p} ‘“To put up they.
6.08.179 {p} ‘“Who said you she.
6.08.180 {p} ‘“Sharkey,” says they. hagling!”
6.08.181 {p} ‘“I’ll give you most.’
6.08.182 {ps} Into the middle deafer.
6.08.183 {p} ‘Good evening, Mr. taters!’
6.08.184 {p} ‘I am very amends.’
6.08.185 {p} ‘Well, you can’t satisfaction?’
6.08.186 {p} ‘Perfect satisfaction, Mr. him.
6.08.187 {p} ‘It takes a no.’
6.08.188 {ps} Farmer Cotton’s household now.’
6.08.189 {p} After breakfast a spare.’
6.08.190 {p} The next news them!’
6.08.191 {p} ‘Ah! This lot Frodo.’
6.08.192 {p} The Tooks did quickly.
6.08.193 {ps} The ruffians came above.
6.08.194 {p} ‘Well, you have shot.’
6.08.195 {p} But the ruffians distance.
6.08.196 {p} ‘They won’t get now.’
6.08.197 {p} Behind, the trapped archers.
6.08.198 {p} At last all Peregrin.
6.08.199 {ps} Frodo had been “Chief”.’
6.08.200 {p} ‘Yes indeed; the done.’
6.08.201 {p} Farmer Cotton collected way.
6.08.202 {p} It was one felled.
6.08.203 {p} As they crossed huts.
6.08.204 {p} ‘They’ve cut it tears.
6.08.205 {p} A laugh put now.’
6.08.206 {p} ‘So I see,’ purse.’
6.08.207 {p} Ted Sandyman spat mouth.’
6.08.208 {p} ‘Don’t waste any done.’
6.08.209 {p} ‘You are dirty Men.’
6.08.210 {p} Ted gaped, for loudly.
6.08.211 {p} ‘Save your breath!’ End.
6.08.212 {p} At the top time.
6.08.213 {p} ‘Where is that sheds?’
6.08.214 {p} ‘This is worse ruined.’
6.08.215 {p} ‘Yes, this is Lotho.’
6.08.216 {p} Merry looked round throat.’
6.08.217 {p} ‘No doubt, no amusement.
6.08.218 {p} A sudden light cried.
6.08.219 {p} Saruman laughed. ‘So here.’
6.08.219-fn {fn} It was probably man’.
6.08.220 {p} ‘I did not,’ it.’
6.08.221 {p} ‘Quite capable,’ said affairs.’
6.08.222 {p} Saruman laughed again. injuries.’
6.08.223 {p} ‘Well, if that return!’
6.08.224 {p} The hobbits of angrily:
6.08.225 {p} ‘Don’t let him him!’
6.08.226 {p} Saruman looked round healed.’
6.08.227 {p} The hobbits recoiled. way!’
6.08.228 {p} ‘Worm! Worm!’ Saruman along!’
6.08.229 {p} Saruman turned to sword.
6.08.230 {p} ‘No, Sam!’ said it.’
6.08.231 {p} Saruman rose to foretell.’
6.08.232 {p} He walked away, master.
6.08.233 {p} ‘Wormtongue!’ called Frodo. ways.’
6.08.234 {p} Wormtongue halted and them?’
6.08.235 {p} Wormtongue cowered down no!’
6.08.236 {p} ‘Then I will,’ me.’
6.08.237 {p} A look of hissed.
6.08.238 {p} Saruman laughed. ‘You dead.
6.08.239 {ps} To the dismay nothing.
6.08.240 {p} Frodo looked down away.
6.08.241 {ps} ‘And that’s the riddance.’
6.08.242 {p} ‘And the very Merry.
6.08.243 {p} ‘I hope so,’ that.’
6.08.244 {p} ‘I shan’t call work.’