QS.10.head {h} OF THE SINDAR
QS.10.001 {p} Now as has earth.
QS.10.002 {p} It came to Mountains.
QS.10.003 {p} From Nogrod and gold.
QS.10.004 {p} Now Melian had wealth.
QS.10.005 {p} Therefore the Naugrim Caves.
QS.10.006 {p} But the Elves Sea.
QS.10.007 {p} And when the without.
QS.10.008 {p} But as the hills.’
QS.10.009 {p} And ere long said.
QS.10.010 {p} Therefore Thingol took rival.
QS.10.011 {p} At this time come.
QS.10.012 {p} Now as has Rivers.
QS.10.013 {p} Of the long song.
QS.10.014 {p} In Beleriand in away.
QS.10.015 {p} But it came near.
QS.10.016 {p} Now the Orcs Angband.
QS.10.017 {p} But the victory people.
QS.10.018 {p} And when Thingol Falas.
QS.10.019 {p} But new tidings Losgar.