QS.19.001 {p} Among the tales song.
QS.19.002 {p} It has been them.
QS.19.003 {p} Now among the Morgoth.
QS.19.004 {p} On a time price?’
QS.19.005 {p} And Gorlim answered captive.
QS.19.006 {p} Then Sauron smiled, on!’
QS.19.007 {p} Now Gorlim would death.
QS.19.008 {p} In this way father.
QS.19.009 {p} Then Beren awoke, mockery.
QS.19.010 {p} There Beren buried wild.
QS.19.011 {p} Thereafter for four bodies.
QS.19.012 {p} All that land trodden.
QS.19.013 {p} Terrible was his him.
QS.19.014 {p} It is told light.
QS.19.015 {p} But she vanished limbs.
QS.19.016 {p} There came a passed.
QS.19.017 {p} Then the spell known.
QS.19.018 {p} Beyond his hope brief.
QS.19.019 {p} But Daeron the guest.
QS.19.020 {p} Then Thingol looked throne?’
QS.19.021 {p} But Beren being Elves.’
QS.19.022 {p} ‘Let Beren speak!’ folly?’
QS.19.023 {p} Then Beren looking World.’
QS.19.024 {p} Then silence fell thralls.’
QS.19.025 {p} Then Beren answered: no.’
QS.19.026 {p} His words were heed!’
QS.19.027 {p} But Thingol looked generous.’
QS.19.028 {p} Thus he wrought Morgoth.
QS.19.029 {p} But Beren laughed. Barahir.’
QS.19.030 {p} Then he looked alone.
QS.19.031 {p} Then at last realm.’
QS.19.032 {p} But Thingol answered: it.’
QS.19.033 {p} But Lúthien was Thingol.
QS.19.034 {p} It is told thither.
QS.19.035 {p} Upon all that King!’
QS.19.036 {p} Therefore the hunters halls.
QS.19.037 {p} Thus Beren came ensnared.’
QS.19.038 {p} Then King Felagund ends.’
QS.19.039 {p} Many other words darkened.
QS.19.040 {p} And now they Noldor.
QS.19.041 {p} And Felagund seeing betide.’
QS.19.042 {p} Then Felagund gave halls.
QS.19.043 {p} On an evening him.
QS.19.044 {p} Thus befell the Leithian:
QS.19.045 {lg} He chanted a throne.
QS.19.046 {p} Then Sauron stripped purposes.
QS.19.047 {p} He cast them lord.
QS.19.048 {p} In the time needed.
QS.19.049 {p} It is told Doriath.
QS.19.050 {p} It chanced that world.
QS.19.051 {p} Huan it was near.
QS.19.052 {p} Thus they broke suit.
QS.19.053 {p} But Huan the words.
QS.19.054 {p} Now Huan devised tireless.
QS.19.055 {p} In the pits despair.
QS.19.056 {p} In that hour darkness.
QS.19.057 {p} But Lúthien heard great.
QS.19.058 {p} Therefore he sent bridge.
QS.19.059 {p} So great was dismayed.
QS.19.060 {p} But no wizardry tower.’
QS.19.061 {p} Then Sauron yielded horror.
QS.19.062 {p} Then Lúthien stood them.
QS.19.063 {p} They buried the Eldamar.
QS.19.064 {p} Now Beren and before.
QS.19.065 {p} There was tumult thereafter.
QS.19.066 {p} ‘Let it be master.
QS.19.067 {p} Northward they rode, Terror.
QS.19.068 {p} Now it is alike.’
QS.19.069 {p} Even as they grass.
QS.19.070 {p} Then Beren throttled master.’
QS.19.071 {p} Then Curufin cursed breast.
QS.19.072 {p} It is told grass.
QS.19.073 {p} He rode northward part:
QS.19.074 {lg} Farewell sweet earth be.
QS.19.075 {p} And he sang escape.
QS.19.076 {p} But Lúthien heard them.
QS.19.077 {p} Beren seeing their journey.
QS.19.078 {p} ‘Thrice now I Morgoth.’
QS.19.079 {p} Then for the end.’
QS.19.080 {p} Then Beren perceived him.
QS.19.081 {p} They passed through precipice.
QS.19.082 {p} There dismay took come.
QS.19.083 {p} Now Carcharoth espied him.
QS.19.084 {p} Then Beren and her.
QS.19.085 {p} All his court still.
QS.19.086 {p} As a dead Silmaril.
QS.19.087 {p} As he closed sleep.
QS.19.088 {p} Then terror fell ran.
QS.19.089 {p} Lúthien was spent, wolf.
QS.19.090 {p} But Carcharoth looked him.
QS.19.091 {p} Now Beren lay awakened.
QS.19.092 {p} Thus the quest sleep.
QS.19.093 {p} Then they lifted asleep.
QS.19.094 {p} There the eagles again.
QS.19.095 {p} Thereafter Beren was it.
QS.19.096 {p} Upon Doriath evil things.
QS.19.097 {p} In that time safely.
QS.19.098 {p} But in the Thingol.
QS.19.099 {p} Even in that own.’
QS.19.100 {p} And Thingol answered: vow?’
QS.19.101 {p} But Beren said: hand.’
QS.19.102 {p} Then Thingol said: me!’
QS.19.103 {p} And Beren put Empty-handed.
QS.19.104 {p} Then Thingol’s mood father.
QS.19.105 {p} But now a fulfilled.
QS.19.106 {p} Therefore, since daily black.
QS.19.107 {p} The hunters turned forest.
QS.19.108 {p} Beren stood beside hurt.
QS.19.109 {p} Huan in that parted.
QS.19.110 {p} Mablung and Beleg more.
QS.19.111 {p} They bore back end.
QS.19.112 {p} For the spirit grass.
QS.19.113 {p} Then a winter, him.
QS.19.114 {p} The song of since.
QS.19.115 {p} Therefore he summoned revealed.
QS.19.116 {p} These were the song.
QS.19.117 {p} This doom she lost.