QS.21.001 {p} Rían, daughter of died.
QS.21.002 {p} Morwen, daughter of died.
QS.21.003 {p} Now after the Bauglir.
QS.21.004 {p} In the first Hador.
QS.21.005 {p} Túrin grew fair Cúthalion.
QS.21.006 {p} And when three hurt.
QS.21.007 {p} On the next Orcs.
QS.21.008 {p} But when all well.’
QS.21.009 {p} And Beleg answered: also.’
QS.21.010 {p} Then Beleg departed perils.
QS.21.011 {p} But Túrin abode Angband.
QS.21.012 {p} Then Beleg told Anach.’
QS.21.013 {p} ‘I do not Túrin.
QS.21.014 {p} ‘Never did we there.’
QS.21.015 {p} But in the return.’
QS.21.016 {p} On the next sadness.
QS.21.017 {p} Now Beleg returned do?’
QS.21.018 {p} ‘Give me leave, wild.’
QS.21.019 {p} Then Thingol gave you.’
QS.21.020 {p} ‘I ask then armour.’
QS.21.021 {p} ‘Choose from all own.’
QS.21.022 {p} Then Beleg chose son.
QS.21.023 {p} But as Thingol long.’
QS.21.024 {p} ‘Nonetheless I will Beleg.
QS.21.025 {p} ‘Another gift I again.
QS.21.026 {p} Then Beleg departed more.
QS.21.027 {p} Now when Beleg house?’
QS.21.028 {p} Then Mîm answered: names.’
QS.21.029 {p} Then Túrin was place.’
QS.21.030 {p} On the next hill-top.’
QS.21.031 {p} But Mîm led called.’
QS.21.032 {p} And now there me.’
QS.21.033 {p} Then pity rose more.’
QS.21.034 {p} Then Mîm rose, ransom.’
QS.21.035 {p} So began the between.
QS.21.036 {p} In the time Nargothrond.
QS.21.037 {p} But when the Cúthalion.
QS.21.038 {p} Thus Beleg returned do.
QS.21.039 {p} Who knows now foiled.
QS.21.040 {p} And now again spies.
QS.21.041 {p} In the waning slain.’
QS.21.042 {p} Thus was Bar-en-Danwedh away.
QS.21.043 {p} And at length yet!’
QS.21.044 {p} Now Beleg was Angband.
QS.21.045 {p} With little hope Guilin.
QS.21.046 {p} Grieving Beleg looked Taur-nu-Fuin.
QS.21.047 {p} And Gwindor told dell.
QS.21.048 {p} When all in foe.
QS.21.049 {p} But as he eyes.
QS.21.050 {p} But now in Cúthalion.
QS.21.051 {p} When morning came bonds.
QS.21.052 {p} Then Gwindor roused wild.
QS.21.053 {p} Thus ended Beleg madness.
QS.21.054 {p} There he made renewed.’
QS.21.055 {p} ‘Who are you?’ Túrin.
QS.21.056 {p} ‘A wandering Elf, Angband.’
QS.21.057 {p} ‘Then have you Túrin.
QS.21.058 {p} ‘I have not kin.’
QS.21.059 {p} ‘That I do Túrin.
QS.21.060 {p} And now they Nargothrond.
QS.21.061 {p} At first his more.
QS.21.062 {p} In the time face.
QS.21.063 {p} Then the heart me?’
QS.21.064 {p} Then Finduilas sat will.’
QS.21.065 {p} Now when Túrin hid.’
QS.21.066 {p} But Gwindor answered: name.’
QS.21.067 {p} When it became Nargothrond.
QS.21.068 {p} In that time honour.
QS.21.069 {p} Now it came Nargothrond.
QS.21.070 {p} ‘Hear the words gate.”’
QS.21.071 {p} Orodreth was troubled wished.
QS.21.072 {p} Soon afterwards Handir Teiglin.
QS.21.073 {p} Then the warriors grass.
QS.21.074 {p} Then Gwindor said Farewell!’
QS.21.075 {p} Then Túrin sped within.
QS.21.076 {p} And even as captives.
QS.21.077 {p} And now he met!’
QS.21.078 {p} Then Túrin sprang saw.
QS.21.079 {p} And while he after.
QS.21.080 {p} Then suddenly Glaurung blood?’
QS.21.081 {p} But Túrin drawing gift.’
QS.21.082 {p} Then Túrin, being thee.’
QS.21.083 {p} But Túrin passed while.
QS.21.084 {p} And Túrin hastened aside.
QS.21.085 {p} At last worn more.
QS.21.086 {p} Thus he came where.
QS.21.087 {p} Then Túrin strode while.’
QS.21.088 {p} Now Túrin coming Elf-maid.
QS.21.089 {p} Túrin bade them spear.
QS.21.090 {p} Now new tidings Dor-lómin.
QS.21.091 {p} Then Morwen was riding.
QS.21.092 {p} They came upon go.
QS.21.093 {p} But Glaurung was Narog.
QS.21.094 {p} Seeing the onset hill-top.
QS.21.095 {p} Her will strove Nargothrond.
QS.21.096 {p} Now Mablung, who wild.
QS.21.097 {p} But they were her.
QS.21.098 {p} Then the Orcs Nienor.
QS.21.099 {p} But Nienor ran fled.
QS.21.100 {p} But it was after.
QS.21.101 {p} On the next Turambar.
QS.21.102 {p} In that time mind.
QS.21.103 {p} But when three evil.
QS.21.104 {p} In the spring Nargothrond.
QS.21.105 {p} Then Turambar asked Girith.
QS.21.106 {p} Then Níniel being behind.
QS.21.107 {p} Now Turambar came guard.
QS.21.108 {p} This counsel he valiant.
QS.21.109 {p} Then Turambar summoned still.
QS.21.110 {p} Now Gurthang had avenged.’
QS.21.111 {p} Then he wrenched him.
QS.21.112 {p} The screams of will.
QS.21.113 {p} Even so Brandir go.
QS.21.114 {p} But as they moon.
QS.21.115 {p} Thus Brandir saw thyself.’
QS.21.116 {p} Then Glaurung died, water.
QS.21.117 {p} Then Brandir came Doom.
QS.21.118 {p} But Brandir made gone.’
QS.21.119 {p} And he answered: Húrin.’
QS.21.120 {p} But even as sick.
QS.21.121 {p} But when the home?’
QS.21.122 {p} Then Brandir told live.’
QS.21.123 {p} Then Turambar was him.
QS.21.124 {p} Then Turambar fell battle.
QS.21.125 {p} And even as dead.’
QS.21.126 {p} Then they marvelled, Kingdom.’
QS.21.127 {p} Then Mablung was night.’
QS.21.128 {p} Then he fled swiftly?’
QS.21.129 {p} And from the swiftly.’
QS.21.130 {p} Then Túrin set loved.’
QS.21.131 {p} Then they lifted Doriath:
QS.21.133 {p} and beneath they also:
QS.21.134 {qt} NIENOR NÍNIEL
QS.21.135 {p} But she was her.